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Everything posted by Ima

  1. Ima

    So, anybody else played it yet? IMO it's a nice game, though it's really annoying that the weapons break so quickly. (btw, anybody on 360 willing to play coop?)
  2. Ima

    Just finished Bayonetta, now 100%ing Lego Batman and Lego SW: The Complete Saga this week. Have to hurry as the next weeks will be very busy with Dead Island and Warhammer 40.000: Space Marine Multiplayer^^
  3. Ima

    The Big Bang Theory - Season II (yes, the whole season - TBBTathon ftw!!!)
  4. Ima

    I'd love to be at the german USK when they receive the game and totally go apeshit: "THIS IS SO /&%"(=& BANNED!!!!" xD But seriously, I dunno about that game. Loved the first trailer, but was kinda disappointed by the ingame footage. Reminds me of Dead Rising (which I hated) with a RPG twist - will have to wait for a demo in the US/austrian store and test ist, it may be awesome, but it might also be meh.
  5. Ima

    First language is German, then I had to learn English and Latin in school. Well, then university started and now I have to learn French and FUCKIN' Old German. Fun fact: "walram" means "whale semen" in Old High German.
  6. Ima

    Have to admit, G+ is really impressive. Ok, it's like FB, but... better. In every possible way (read as "NO FUKKAN ZYNGA SHIT!!!!!!!") btw: https://plus.google.com/105050877751453653388/posts
  7. Ima

    Gamertag/PSN/Steam: Graupause Been playing Brink a lot on the 360 lately (untill the connection problems piss me off, making me ragequit )
  8. Ima

    Awesome! Will totally be there :DDD After all their last concert was the best one I ever attendet
  9. Ima

    Have to say, I really enjoyed the radio rip, so I'm looking forward to the the actual single (and good quality ) And I loved Hydra -666- (new version of Hydra, to be found on the Dozing Green Single) and the new version of ZAN, so I'm very excited what they'll make of the "old school" Obscure^^
  10. Ima

    So, will anyone here attending their gig in cologne? I'm thinking of buying a ticket but, well... I dunno. Plus, I wanna make sure I won't be the only person in the hall... that'd creep the fuck out of me O____o
  11. Ima

    *glares* PENIS!!!! No, srsly, I guess I'm kinda back now^^ And... wow... you propably wouldn't believe how good it feels to see you guys again... champ, vurtox, aion, cat, prism, ramrod, Original Saku.... don't you guys never ever let me be inactive that long again xDD EDIT: *masturbates in ramrod's general direction*
  12. Ima

    Blabla, that's me, I'm broke and have no money for a shirt
  13. Hi thar! Being the awesome guy I am, it seriously took me several weeks to find this page (of course I could've asked somebody or looked if the adress is posted on FB or last.fm, but... well, I fail at the internet, obviously >_<) Anyways, I'm back, if anyone remembers
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