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Posts posted by Masamune

  1. 1. Final fantasy 15 (PS4 & XB1) A CG trailer will be shown.

    Main character looks like Agni's philosophy girl but the setting is completely different.

    Party members can be recruited online but it's an offline game. (Similar to Dragons Dogma?)

    You play the Commander of an army and recruit soldiers, looks open world with combat like FFXII.


    2. Kingdom Hearts Teaser for PS4 at Sony Conference.


    3. Final Fantasy Lightning Returns showcase


    4. Final Fantasy Versus (13 Removed From Title)

    New trailer and 2014 release date


    5. Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core and Agito HD Remake

    Coming soon to PS3


    6. Bravely Default English Trailer

    Game to be released in 2014 


    7. Blood Make (New Game)

    DMC esque action RPG for Vita and PS3 coming 2014


    This is currently floating around the web and has been translated from a Japanese source, how much of this do you think is true?

    Sounds to good to be true for me, way to many releases for E3, i mean don't Square normally keep the big news for Tokyo Gameshow?

  2. The biggest crime is already listed in the opening post, multiple types.....God it pisses me off so much.

    My fave band releases a single and there's 3 versions with different tracks.


    An example of this would be the band Wizard, one of their recent singles *Sakura Driver* had 6 freaking types....SIX!!!

  3. I already dropped it, show started out amazingly but i did not expect all these stupid time skips which annoy me to no end, plus alot of other little things that are bugging me.......i'll just play the game that's on the way out, xD.

  4. Tried and after one episode i pretty much loved it , i' m gonna wait till the show is finished before watching it though as i currently have so much to watch as it is, by then i'll have a clearer schedule.

  5. I've been waiting for their comeback ever since they announced the break xD, i can't see them getting back together any time soon though.........5 years since they went on break, it feels like so much longer.

  6. The Witcher - The Last Wish

    Absolutely love this series but it's not for the faint at heart, sex,

    violence, magic, swordplay, demons, you name it, it has it.

    My fave book of all time would be "The Romance Of The Three Kingdoms"

  7. Record of Agarest War 2: PS3

    [Album] Cyntia - Endless World

    Nihonto GEN 2 Double Edged Katana (Hand Forged version)

    Sleeping Dogs (PC Version)

    girugamesh - 13's reborn

    [Album] DIR EN GREY - Withering to death

    (Blew my whole paycheck in one, xD)

  8. Huge fan of the series ever since the DreamCast days, was really looking forward to it but was let down big time. SC games have always had a huge single player aspect to the game that made it quite different to the other games in the genre but this SC5 pretty much stripped all that out and focused mostly on online.....the story mode we did get was atrocious too.

  9. @Linh-san: I've had lots of those delays from cdjapan, had a delay last month on a CD and it said up to three weeks but i received the delayed cd in a week, so sometimes they get it sooner than they expect.

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