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About deg05

  • Rank
    Kiwamu's Bitch

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  1. deg05

    it is so sad because I was going to see them in ATL
  2. deg05

    this is great news ^^ I hope they will continue to make awesome music ^^
  3. deg05

    I know what you mean, Atlanta is the closest for me too, but it's such a drive! I'm not even sure I'll be able to afford the D'espa concert at this point, but I'm really trying!I know exactly how you feel, I am in the very same position, I would love to see them both, and I'm trying really hard to get the money but I have other stuff to take care about, I was actually going to see d'espa but now that deg has annouced this >.< I also have to drive there and it would be really hard to attend both concerts I'm trying though, I just hope I can get the money
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