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Everything posted by Flame-X

  1. Flame-X

    Zesshoku, I started out by listening to their Complete Best album which is their best compilation album by far. Most of the older tracks are remastered. If you're able to get into most of the songs here, you can check out their other stuff. My personal favorite tracks are: Desire KISS Unlikelihood LUV U There's a lot of other good songs like Rosier but hopefully this is a start for newcomers.
  2. Flame-X

    * Vocals: RYUICHI * Guitar, Violin: SUGIZO * Guitar: INORAN * Bass: J * Drums: Shinya Read more: http://www.jame-world.com/us/database-artists-biography-50-luna-sea.html#ixzz0tv5u1Sbk One of the legendary rock bands in Japan. Even though they disbanded 10 years ago (2000), their music still holds up better than today's standards. If you still haven't listened to them, then what's your damn excuse?
  3. Flame-X

    I've already brought tickets for the Chicago show. I'll see you guys there, if there is anyone going to that one.
  4. Flame-X

    they're starting sound a lot like an cafe.
  5. Flame-X

    these guys are pretty good. yasu has very good vocals especially during live performances. too bad they're in hiatus right now.
  6. Flame-X


    i like this band. everytime i listen to their music, it feels like metal combined with opera probably because Asagi's voice feels to opera-ish. lolz Hiroki is the best VK indies drummer by far.
  7. Flame-X

    abingdon boys school - ATHENA im freakin addicted to this song now.
  8. Flame-X

    indeed most of their songs sound generic but as long as the melodies are catchy then i dont mind. the speed of those double bass drums really impress me.
  9. Flame-X

    i like all the songs in PRAY FOR THE FUTURE.. well except for the alst 2 tracks. my absolute fav is SEED. so melodic and tragic. im happy i bought their CD.
  10. Flame-X

    excellent review u have there. a lot i agree on.
  11. Flame-X

    i like both albums. The CD i own from them is Squall single. some of my fav songs are: Trickster Forbidden Desert [Fuyu Shita Riso] p.s. im currently making an amv using trickster on X TV muhahaha
  12. Flame-X

    Dir en grey's CHILD PREY and EMBRYO amazed me with the special effects and camera works. the atmosphere matches the song especially the film noir style they used in EMBRYO. Some honorable mentions are Gackt's Metamorphoze, 12012's PISTOL, Kagrra's Utakata, and alice nine's TSUBASA.
  13. Flame-X

    Anyone heard of them?
  14. Flame-X

    PISTOL is my fav single they released
  15. Flame-X

    cant wait for the 2nd full album muhahahaha
  16. Flame-X

    you might as well check out Gou on PROGRESSIVE album if u want more screaming and heavier songs.
  17. Flame-X

    i liked San a lot better than the previous albums since the songs are easier to follow and more melodic. I even met the band at Anime Central 2007 and took pics of them. They rock!
  18. Flame-X

    they got some cool songs. of course death note is what got me into them. i overall like Alumina, Akane, Tokyo Shounen, ~lulu~, morpho, and Jojou Teki ni Sugita Jikan to Fukakutei na Mirai he no Requiem.
  19. Flame-X

    they kinda remind me of An Cafe. i love the entire Boys&Girls single and Liar Liar song.
  20. Flame-X

    i love the new stuff so far. Nao is becoming a better drummer.
  21. Flame-X

    i really wish they remaster some of old songs like Art of Life and Dahlia.
  22. Flame-X

    there wasn't a thread about the band so i made one. Any fans here? They're well known for doing OP themes for Gundam SEED Destiny and Bleach. There are 6 members total. Main Vocal: Maki Backup Vocal/growls/rap/screams: Yusuke Guitar: Kazuto Guitar: MEG Bass: mACKAz Drums: Sassy Official Site: http://www.highandmightycolor.com/pc/index.html Sample song/PV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMoK0ABF63I GO check them out!
  23. Flame-X

    just listened to their album and its pretty good!
  24. Flame-X

    these actually have a great potential. i loved both of their latest single releases [Created perfect new vision].
  25. Flame-X

    this album was labeled FAILED in my book. i only liked CONCEIVED SORROW and Namamekashiki Ansoku, Tamerai ni Hohoemi. i hope they stop this nu-metal crap, they done too much of it already. i wish they do some speed metal.
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