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Everything posted by チャン

  1. チャン

    Can't believe this... Don't want to believe this T___T. WHY RION? Damn... Wish him all the best.
  2. チャン

    What the f***.
  3. チャン

    Loved "Mindless", it's my very favourite song on that Single! "HEARTZ" is also a great one, I enjoyed the synths in the here <3...[And the Chorus, it's beautiful!] "瞋????炎" is my least favourite but still like it a lot.
  4. チャン

    I would like to request Perestroika's lyrics for their single "Heartz"! Kanji/Romaji would be very nice but [of course!] translations are very welcome since my japanese isn't that great yet. Otherwise I'd translate it by myself for all of you then! Thanks in advance [& I hope this wasn't posted before]
  5. チャン

    Oh no ._. *sigh* I used to love auncia and still do. Can't wait for their comeback in spring + their CD <'3
  6. チャン

    Oh noes, pls not again T_T. Kana's health has always been kinda... bad. I'm a little worried now I must say. You know after all these shocking news from this year. Wish them all the best and hope Kana will be fully recovered soon! ;_;
  7. Did my money arrive? Just wanted to make sure that everything worked since you haven't replied to my message yet^_^
  8. チャン

    Can't wait :'D Love Administrator <3 And yay for the PV!~
  9. チャン

    @ xMilou Sorry for the late answer (>_<)... Well, I haven't got my ticket number yet... I think we'll get wristbands with a special colour again ww... Just as last time @Jap-Ro! (^-^) I'll get my invoice within the next days but I was still early with ordering, so I'll get a low "number" which is very good <3... But I don't think that many people will come anyway so... no worries! Have you ordered your ticket now? ^.^
  10. チャン

    16th October - Germany YAY!!! My girlfriend ordered the tickets for us last night <3 You have to be fast with Astan, 'cause when the concert starts you come in by numbers (T_T) *remembers the fool & luzmelt* I think you have to print out the tickets btw. ôo... Anyone has problems?
  11. チャン

    Well...to put in my own 'hated' band. It's Gazette. OK, c'mon fangirls SHOOT ME but... What the hell makes them SO special that all of you are like "OMFG oiskhvcoishfeaiohfc I WANT A CHILD FROM YOU, RUKI bla bla bla whatever...“... Ruki isn't one of the greatest vocalists out there!... And there are even TONS of musicians who deserve way more fans than Gazette do. They just sound mainstream[ish] and boring. Their last releases were...SHIT. And they always sound the same O_O Really I mean... is that music ? Not really or?..and I had to lol so hard about their DIM ALbum XDD..half of it is just a 2 minutes intro I mean WTH. They can't even make a whole Album? Are they too epic? Maybe, well thanks Gazette for being too famous >D....
  12. チャン

    Freaking awesome news! I have to add him when maintenance is over <3
  13. Uhhhm sorry for the lateness D: ... *hugz* ww Well, I'll put the money on my account this week and then I'll let you know OK? ... Gonna buy Gilltia for sure! Thank you <3
  14. Hey there! I'm interested in the Gilltia single! Since I've just got PayPal I'll have to put money on my account first but... Could you hold this one back for me for a while pls? ;_;... I'd be very thankful and I'm gonna buy it for sure if you can wait a bit! <3 Thanks in advance!
  15. チャン

    Yeah. All of us saw that coming, or? ._. It's such a shame to officially read this though! I liked them so much! (;_ All the best for the members and we can just hope to see all of them in the near future again (>_<);
  16. チャン

    Ahahahaha god I love your signature Tohya! [Awesome guy^-^] Well, I still want them for Germany ;_; Hope some dates will follow soon! And omfg! 2man tour with Golden Bomber. I fainted ww XDD <3 Such a dreeeam~
  17. チャン

    Uhm, THAT'S ACTUALLY AWESOME *O*But... Germany please? ;___; That'd be so cool <3 [Oh yes, sincrea back pls w ... AND Golden bomber XD]
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