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Everything posted by -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

  1. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    ^ How is singularity?Seems good but got bad reviews.
  2. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    ???????? - ??? ? ?????? ????????? ????? XD
  3. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    was talking with Evoke.the.world on msn xD
  4. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

  5. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    Exist Trace - Unforgive you
  6. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    Never heard of it,but now i MUST watch it.
  7. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

  8. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    I never did. xD Do you bite your nails?
  9. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

  10. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    Has a nice avatar.
  11. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

  12. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    (^^ xD) I would eat it all by myself. I dont know the question though xD
  13. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    Mmmm i havent drink more than once or twice but it was ok (leaning to good)! Have you ever tried to fly?
  14. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

  15. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    Not really... Have you ever drank gin with strawberry juice?
  16. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    (watch the korean movie Someone Behind you) I 'd kill them first i guess What would you do if you woke up 1 night and everyone in your house was killed? (i had one dream about that. my mom or dad had an axe on their head )
  17. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    Yes i do. But not so much because i m afraid that i ll see them xD Do you like giallo movies?
  18. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

  19. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    I would accept to be sick all the time. What would you do if they told you that your last meal was humans meat,instead of an animals?
  20. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    (what the fraaaaaaaaaak,really??) Is asked to say sth in ancient greek xD
  21. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    Not much... Do you like gore?
  22. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space - Mondo Video
  23. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    Not really.. Do you like Sel'm?
  24. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

  25. -D-eadStam_aliv-E-

    Thought the same as me
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