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Everything posted by yu-i

  1. yu-i

    glay - all standard is you
  2. yu-i

    yes like ska music?
  3. yu-i

    has lastfm (everyone has it seems XD)
  4. yu-i

    thanks, kachida, he is very cool, I even want to put him on my ava is Gack't s hairstylist yet XD
  5. yu-i

    I don't know who is it so no would like to do the same with... Mana?
  6. yu-i

    omg. well ... yes! XD like blonde boys?
  7. yu-i

    no XD she has a profile picture with someone I can't recognize or mb don't know
  8. yu-i

    9 goats - float ^^
  9. yu-i

    no. like j-horror moovies?
  10. yu-i

    poor dogs TVT
  11. yu-i

    I changed also when I knew about vkei. I was 15 when I knew about them. When I saw Malice Mizer photos I understood (LOL!!!, I was 15! →) that I am not so ill that I like boys in girl's clothes and with make-up XD I listen too much music but only old vkei bands give me real inspiration in things I do. K-pop is just to have fun while going home in a bus and for example Raphael can give me real inspiration
  12. yu-i

    has Mana everywhere O_O
  13. yu-i

    people think he looks like a Japanese guy and he likes it mb
  14. I have a mood to kick someone, let it be a band D ?лла Пугачева (XD) Kiryuu Rin Dio distraught overlord Versailles E'm~grief~ D'espairsRay Saruin abingdon boys school
  15. yu-i

    yes maybe ^^ like torrents?
  16. yu-i

    chokopie O_O
  17. yu-i

    Sleep my dear - I can't xxx
  18. yu-i

    ofcourse is online
  19. omg! i'm glad they're back!!
  20. yu-i

    doesnot know that in my place it's day and not night
  21. Well if it's ok to talk about anything in this subforum, I want to ask about http://evil-en-lucifer.blogspot.com/ I heard it's kind of abandoned. Is it going to dissapear? Why? T____________________T
  22. yu-i

    @Kyo ofcourse google can in this case. but try with グレイシア, or more unknown band and google will have almost no results for lyrics. searching japanese lyrics by japanese search engine is reasonable D;
  23. yu-i

    Inartisitic already said some things I wanted to say XD It's maybe a flash or image file where are the lyrics. I checked all ways I know but I couldnot find it's location. Just find other place with the same song, goo is not good search lyrics in here, not in google http://www.yahoo.co.jp/
  24. yu-i

    x_z1Icyu5gI horrible kawaii O_O
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