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Posts posted by X-Marc

  1. NOOOOOOOOO there goes the chance of ever seeing them come to europe

    damn! one of my fav bands! first nega, now deluhi, hope not lynch or merry is the next

    damn really bummed about this

  2. just dreadfull this album=S mucc gone slow. only like falling down, has something catchy to it.

    the rest of the album just damn, couldnt get my attention. i loved their previous albums, this is their first let down for me. but 2/3 singles before sucked, so it was to be expected

  3. damn, only like superhero

    rest just sucks ass=S really regret buying this cd, and then im glad i bought the limited cheaper version and not that limited editon with dvd wich i first was considering.

    just dont like the style, his bad english, his rapping, the sort of bad distortion over the sound

    hes fun live, love his old work (galyuu/gagaku) but this is a whole new level of sucking

  4. i most of the times play the music from the disney parks, theyve got such great tunes, i am an real disney addict,and just love the music they play in the parcs, got over 40Gig of disney music

    really nice to hear when playing WoW or rollercoaster tycoon 3=)

  5. this is from steff from the visual kei nl forum

    VISUAL X-MAS is no payback against the fool. I was planning to do a tour with the fool first week of december. Kiwamu offered me this. So I booked halls and everything. And then I had to notice, that fishmouth Kiwamu was playing a double game. I did not want to bring in the band before december. Because I knew about Unsraw and Luna Sea. Behind my back he sold the tour to Ramen, I asked him what he is doing : No response.

    Then I asked Gunji. He said: " Let us work together next year, it is Kiwamu ´s decision to do it this way."

    Sorry Gunji - forget about it...

    I contacted Aurelie / Ramen and told her I would use the already booked halls for an x-mas Festival instead of a fool tour now. I told her that we would have competition on the same days and same area in NL and Germany. At last she decided to do the tour anyway. That is the whole story. Now I know why everbody in Europe does give the Fishmouth such a bad reputation. I contacted the greek, finish, spanish and french bookers because of the fool tour. Everybody said to me: No Kiwamu never ever Kiwamu. Now I know why...

    I brought fool to europe for promotion. That has cost a lot of money. I wanted to bring the band into the mind of the people and work on them for longer distance, like with CQ. But I have learned my special lesson with the fishmouth..

    That is the whole story. I have booked the halls long before Ramen Eventsn did think about a fool tour. Now there is competition between me an Ramen. I did not want it.

    yours steff

  6. this is from steff from the visual kei nl forum:

    VISUAL X-MAS is no payback against the fool. I was planning to do a tour with the fool first week of december. Kiwamu offered me this. So I booked halls and everything. And then I had to notice, that fishmouth Kiwamu was playing a double game. I did not want to bring in the band before december. Because I knew about Unsraw and Luna Sea. Behind my back he sold the tour to Ramen, I asked him what he is doing : No response.

    Then I asked Gunji. He said: " Let us work together next year, it is Kiwamu ´s decision to do it this way."

    Sorry Gunji - forget about it...

    I contacted Aurelie / Ramen and told her I would use the already booked halls for an x-mas Festival instead of a fool tour now. I told her that we would have competition on the same days and same area in NL and Germany. At last she decided to do the tour anyway. That is the whole story. Now I know why everbody in Europe does give the Fishmouth such a bad reputation. I contacted the greek, finish, spanish and french bookers because of the fool tour. Everybody said to me: No Kiwamu never ever Kiwamu. Now I know why...

    I brought fool to europe for promotion. That has cost a lot of money. I wanted to bring the band into the mind of the people and work on them for longer distance, like with CQ. But I have learned my special lesson with the fishmouth..

    That is the whole story. I have booked the halls long before Ramen Eventsn did think about a fool tour. Now there is competition between me an Ramen. I did not want it.

    yours steff

  7. yeah no idea, i asked steff, but he didnt reply to it

    maybe that he will be working with speed disk now? unsraw is coming, ayabie has been to EU when they were on there. and there was even an event in the planning featuring moran, april, liz en lad (all speed-disk then)

    a gig with nightingeil, liz and r-shitei would be awsome, even tough liz is disbanding-_-

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