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Everything posted by Vurtox

  1. Vurtox

    Beaten DA2 twice now. Been playing it and Homefront all week. So addicting.
  2. Vurtox

    Devin Townsend Project - Feather OH GOD. Need new pants, brb.
  3. Vurtox

    That's totally going to be the name of my new glam metal band. Oh, and this was mentioned. People are just screwing with you (well some).
  4. Vurtox

    Apocalypse Now.
  5. Vurtox

    Tyrant Of Death - Injection This guy is a machine.
  6. Vurtox

    Cynic - Evolutionary Sleeper
  7. Vurtox

    Read. Free write. Surf conspiracy theory websites and laugh at the inhabitants. Surf BBC News. Watch soccer highlights. Video Games. Mess around with Reason/Cubase. Mess about with Photoshop. Tailor screenplays.
  8. Vurtox

    Carach Angren Soooooo awesome.
  9. Vurtox

    new CHUCK episode.
  10. Vurtox

    Battle: LA pretty nifty, I love Aaron Eckhart so this movie was a must see for me. Now I'm watching Be Kind Rewind.
  11. Vurtox

    DAMN YOU JAPANESE KRAUTS, NUKING PEARL HARBOUR AND STEALING ALL OF OUR CHILDRENS FREEDOM. S'cuse me while I go support my fellow man by donating money to Japan. Because I don't care who did what in the past, I respect the present and what's going on in my time not the travesties of the past. /end
  12. Vurtox

    The Ocean - The First Commandment of the Luminaries
  13. Vurtox

    Mage + Femhawk = best combination ever.
  14. Vurtox

    No ones walked the dog and I have no doubt I'm expected to do it since I'm here at my moms for March break, shits not going to happen. Your dog, you walk her.
  15. Vurtox

    I'm pretty satisfied with most of the stuff I have now and I'm not in a big hurry for bands I like to start spewing new material. But these two I'm really looking forward to. Septicflesh - The Great Mass Mechina - Andromeda (non Japanese, obviously. Although I am pretty excited for the new Boris releases)
  16. Vurtox

    Disillusion - The Black Sea
  17. Vurtox

    Ahab - The Pacific Sloooooooow as fuck.
  18. Vurtox

    Oh, it totally got 100% from me. The only objection I have is that to me the mage is a bit overpowered and unbalanced for my liking. The only reason I say that is due to the fact that I'm basing my opinion around my preference. The new gameplay mechanics totally outshine the fact that there is no multiple race options.
  19. Vurtox

    Dragon Age 2. OH. MY. GOD.
  20. Vurtox

    Rango. Oh my god, this was one of the mightiest animated movies ever. So hilarious, plus it had Bill Nighy in it so that's a sure clincher for me.
  21. Vurtox

    Rats in the Walls.
  22. Vurtox

    System Shock 2 and Penumbra Black Plague.
  23. Vurtox

    Blueberry muffin.
  24. Vurtox

    The Other Guys. Funniest buddy cop film since Rush Hour.
  25. Vurtox

    My little brother telling bullshit lies just to seem more awesome. He claimed he got in a fight today at school (he's only 7), he said he did all these awesome fighting moves on the other kid and he didn't get in trouble. IRONICALLY another fight happeneed that my cousin saw (they go to the same school) with two different kids and he explained it exactly the same way my brother explained his fight. He's such a little liar, he thinks everything he does is awesome, even fighting. Not to mention there was no note in his backpack and if he got in a fight of this calibur he would have got a report home. Not to mention my mom believes his crap and no doubt my step dad will and he'll encourage him and say he did a good job by standing up for himself. I don't need to hear this shit after I come home from school. (More of a rant but whatever.)
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