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Posts posted by Vurtox

  1. All the games I play I love the OST's so I rarely use any external music. Although when I play RTS games like AoE or Civi 5 I tend to listen to Solar Fields, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Aes Dana or other ambient type shit like that.

    I also listen to a lot of Sybreed and Mnemic when I play FPS games.

  2. Fuck me Polaris, I'm helping set up the event this year atleast tell me who else you have in mind for guests god dammit. I know Adam Baldwin, Armin Shimerman and Ben Browder are coming by but I need to know more. Plus, I emailed the CS rep of TCON about whether or not I get in for free or if I need to buy a membership package and it's been 4 weeks STILL NO RESPONSE.

  3. Arjen's a great, great musician. He is exactly what prog needs.

    Guilt Machine is one of my favorite Arjen projects, despite Jasper's vocals annoying the shit out of me most of the time. I'm stoked for the new Star One supposedly Dan Swano's vocal preformance is spectacular.

    As for Ayreon, The Dream Sequencer Pt. 1-2 are my all time favorites when it comes to albums and Y comes in a close third. I like Human Equation because it's something outside of the normal perimeters of Arjen's work in Ayreon but still "feels" the same as the other albums.

    Arjen's voice reminds me of David Bowie which is a good, good thing.

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