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Everything posted by mohshuvuu

  1. mohshuvuu

    Mimi (ear)
  2. mohshuvuu

    Kamelot is a good band. They made such a amazing work with Epica and others artists.
  3. mohshuvuu

    He still had some session band activities after they disbanded so I don't think that's the sole reason for the disbandment Yes. Also, almost all the other members are on session bands too.I can't understand it. If they still want to play in a band, why not keep with the regular one? I guess it takes a lot of responsibilities and they can't handle it.
  4. mohshuvuu

    My heaven's luck sisters
  5. mohshuvuu

    Since nobody created one thread to talk about this release... I would like to share some thoughts about this single and I hope you write yours too! Schwein was created last year and haven't released anything after "Dokusai no Buta" single, that was (almost exactly) one year ago. That's why I was anxious for this new single. After the disappointment of "Dokusai no Buta", I was really hoping that this single should be a little different. The first track, "Deep scars" sounds like "Dokusai no Buta". It's a agitated song and has lots of death growls and screams. Don't changed that much from the last single, isn't it? Looks like Schwein is going to keep this peculiar characteristic. The second track called "fallin' heaven" is, IMO, the most amazing song in this single. It remind me A LOT of hurts' songs. I was really happy with this one, because I really love Hina's past bands. It's not that heavy and has no screams. Also, it has such a great chorus (it keeps repeating in my mind). I don't have the lyrics (looking forward for it!) and I'm not that fluent in Japanese, but the lyrics sounds really sad. And the last one, "Machine". Another hurts-like song! This one is a bit agitated and has screams. I really liked this one too! Don't have much to write about this, since it keeps the default characteristic of Hina's gothic-punk bands. If you don't know what I mean... you should hear it! Final thoughts: amazing! Totally in love with it and satisfied. So much better than "Dokusai no Buta". And now I'm hoping again that they really keep this style!
  6. mohshuvuu

    Chigau (wrong)
  7. mohshuvuu

    Unfortunately, medicine.
  8. mohshuvuu

    Chocolate cookies!
  9. mohshuvuu

    For now... Long hair. Seriously.
  10. mohshuvuu

    I went to the hospital today. My biceps' tendon just got inflamed. I'm taking three different types of pills. Just because I held lots of heavy books some days ago.
  11. mohshuvuu

    LOL! Elvenking is amazing! I suggest you to hear the albums Wyrd and Heathenreel first.It's different from the bands you like because it's most power metal than folk itself. I mean, it isn't so heavy as Ensiferum or Korkpiklaani!
  12. mohshuvuu

    #1 Favorite male: Daisuke Ono #1 Favorite female: Akiko Yajima
  13. mohshuvuu

    My favorites are definitely Angel Sanctuary and God Child! Same here, but I don't know the reason exactly.
  14. mohshuvuu

    Kuroshitsuji II and Pandora Hearts.
  15. mohshuvuu

    Tsuki (moon)
  16. mohshuvuu

    Thank you for posting! The kanji dictionary you posted is really useful! My favorite is Yahoo Jiten (http://dic.yahoo.co.jp/), but I usually use Jiten.net (http://jiten.net) and EUdict (http://www.eudict.com/index.php), its great for searching slangs and English words turned to Japanese that are sometimes hard to understand.
  17. mohshuvuu

    Playing again Megami Ibunroku Devil Survivor (NDS). I was almost ending the game when the save become corrupted.
  18. mohshuvuu

    If you don't care about spoilers... here we go! SPOILER! SPOILER! \/ \/ \/ In the last episode of the first season, Sebastian was going to take Ciel's soul. However, Ciel was empty because Claude stole it. I'm extremely anxious for the episode 10!
  19. mohshuvuu

    "An overflow of good converts to bad." - William Shakespeare
  20. mohshuvuu

    OMG! I though you were Mark Jansen! Especially the smile looks like his!
  21. mohshuvuu

    I was listening to "SARCASTIC VICE" by meth. when I was thinking in a nickname to use here. Yes, I know, it's silly.
  22. mohshuvuu

    Agreed.But I really liked this single. I'm really glad they're keeping their style and not changing that much.
  23. mohshuvuu

    For now, the best VII Sense's single IMO. The song "not vide ID" is amazing. Shaura is getting better and better, this was the first time I saw him singing this way and loved it. "Violet Rain" and "DEEP LOVE" sounds like they're part of Black Bird, just a bid different.
  24. mohshuvuu

    It's just so awesome! Since the first time I saw this video, I'm trying to play Mario's theme. However, the tab I got doesn't have these "cool effects", it's the "default" version of the song, so it's looks a bit different when I play in my violin.
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