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Everything posted by Trombe

  1. SET-LIST at 2015/07/31: SE.overture (music: タケヒト(takehito)) 01.Kanon (lyrics: タケヒト(takehito) & 杏(anzu) / music: タケヒト(takehito)) 02.[泰斗(taito) song] (lyrics: TAKA(DIAMOND☆DOGS) / music: 泰斗(taito)) 03.Splash (lyrics: 夢人(yumehito) / music: 泰斗(taito)) 04.keep going on (lyrics: タケヒト(takehito) / music: 泰斗(taito)) 05.虹(niji) (lyrics: 夢人(yumehito) / music: タケヒト(takehito))
  2. their roadie Gt.禊(kei) has commenced to act as their support Gt. since their live at NAGOYA HOLIDAY NEXT at 2015/07/23
  3. Trombe

    ジュキ(juki)(ex-ワンネス(Oneness)) session will perform at Ikebukuro CYBER at 2015/09/01 session members: Vo.ジュキ(juki) (ex-ワンネス(Oneness)) Gt.椿(tsubaki) (Blitz) Gt.Miru. (Lylow) Ba.神木壬晴(kamiki mihal) (Blitz) Dr.りょう(ryou) (Blitz)
  4. Ba.Teru has joined Crystal Lake at 2015/08/04, and their new album "THE SIGN" will be released at 2015/10/07 (2,700yen) [track list] 01.Astra 02.Prometheus 03.Matrix 04.Mercury 05.Dream Catcher 06.The Sign 07.New Romancer 08.Hades 09.Body Movin' 10.Sleep Awake
  5. レクレンズ(reclens) will revive for two-day at their live at Shibuya REX at 2015/10/02 and at Takadanobaba AREA at 2015/11/02
  6. SET-LIST at 2015/08/03: SE 01.キミフロート 02.恋セヨ!chuセヨ! -僣主宣誓- 03.secret orange 04.cry of soul 05.flutter spider 06.イチワルニ ~テーマソング~ 07.Darling♡~コラボver.~ 08.マッシュルームメイト 09.キスの法則 ~らいおんハート振付講座~ 10.絶対ガール♀ 11.buzz★speaker 12.最愛旋律-dearest melody- EN1 01.ヤドカリボーイ♂ 02.青春ホリック
  7. XYLORiDE members have announced that they will NOT participate in presents events of their label Death trap-Records since Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/09/03 despite their band name showing in live line-up
  8. SERIAL⇔NUMBER will hold PAPA birthday presents live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/09/30, 佐々木仁(sasaki jin) birthday presents live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/10/15, their presents live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/11/17 and タオ(tao) birthday presents live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/12/28, at which their new CDs (titles not yet finalized) will be released, although details have not yet been announced
  9. Mix Speaker's,Inc.×ペンタゴン(pentagon) will hold their halloween 2-man live at Takadanobaba AREA at 2015/10/31
  10. Z(Art Cube, Moi dix Mois, SHAPE SHIFTER) will act as guest and sing enka under stage name "みよし せいじ(miyoshi seiji)" at Meguro KINKERO THEATER at 2015/09/06 みよし せいじ(miyoshi seiji) enka look: http://ameblo.jp/artcube-z/entry-12057896030.html
  11. MOSES 2015 A/W COLLECTION×薫(kaoru)(DIR EN GREY) "Wool Gown" (32,400yen) http://store-moses-horns.com/?pid=91656144
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dvv9xbbBAQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdYvtwT0DQ0
  13. 玲(rei)(ex-ひめゆり(himeyuri)-->Mist-->Called≠Plan, now in Toy'S Army) new band has formed, although band name and other member details have not yet been announced https://twitter.com/G_Teo3
  14. new band "THE ENDEMIC OAK" has held their first secret live at Ikebukuro BLACK HOLE at 2015/08/01 "THE ENDEMIC OAK" members: Vo.Haruhito Gt.舞沙(masa) (ex-Virgin Snow Color-->rummy) Ba.伽羅(kyara) (ex-VOLTZ-->V'astion) https://twitter.com/EO_official_jp
  15. as DaISUKE has been hospitalized, guest Vo. as below will substitute his part at event "Starwave Fest vol.12" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/08/08 Calmando Qual Vo.Hibiki Scarlet Valse Vo.Kakeru Magistina Saga Vo.庵-iori- Misaruka Vo.rui 燭台(怪)(syoku-kakko-kai) Vo.蜻蛉(kagerou)
  16. 犬神サアカス團(inugami circus-dan) new album "ここから何かが始まる(koko kara nanika ga hajimaru)" will be released at 2015/10/21 (3,000yen) [track list] 地獄の家 月光 黒い花が嗤う 逆さ吊りの男が観た世界 死ねばいい 夜更けの数え歌 闇 空の色は何色ですか ここから何かが始まる ことづけ 生命の起源 この世が儚い夢ならば くたばれ 反物質 悪逆無道 btw they will hold their live tour "2015年~ここから何かが始まる~(2015nen~koko kara nanika ga hajimaru~)" since Fukuoka DRUM SON at 2015/11/07 and up to tour final at TSUTAYA O-West at 2015/12/13
  17. "ニシローランドゴリラ盤" [track list] 01.ゴリラ(gorilla) 02.森のゴリさん(mori no gori-san) 03.シャンゴリラ(shangorilla) 04.ゴリラ(gorilla)(ゴリラレス/gorilla-less) 05.森のゴリさん(mori no gori-san)(ゴリラレス/gorilla-less) 06.シャンゴリラ(shangorilla)(ゴリラレス/gorilla-less) 07.第1回ゴリラ会議(TALK) "ヒガシローランドゴリラ盤" [track list] 01.ゴリラ(gorilla) 02.ゴリラの家(gorilla no ie) 03.バトルゴリラ(battle gorilla) 04.ゴリラ(gorilla)(ゴリラレス/gorilla-less) 05.ゴリラの家(gorilla no ie)(ゴリラレス/gorilla-less) 06.バトルゴリラ(battle gorilla)(ゴリラレス/gorilla-less) 07.第2回ゴリラ会議(TALK) "マウンテンゴリラ盤" [track list] 01.ゴリラ(gorilla) 02.Critically Endangered IA 03.みっちゃんデス声講座(音楽なし) ゴリラレス(gorilla-less) stands for karaoke
  18. Trombe

    Art Cube will perform at event "DUAL CORE SUMMIT 2015" at Meguro Rock May Kan at 2015/12/22 [live participating artists] TRIGGAH SHAPE SHIFTER アカシジア(akathisia) GENGAH Art Cube etc.
  19. new band "fool bonnie" will hold their first live at LIQUIDROOM ebisu at 2015/09/27, at which their live-limited CD will be released "fool bonnie" members: Vo.ERINA (SALTY TAKE) Gt.MATU (4ROSES) Ba.まーつん(martsun) (ex-LuLu-->Zooc, now in CRIMSON FLARE) Manip.Rocky (L.A.M) Dr.山王(yamaou) (4ROSES) http://foolbonnie.amebaownd.com/ https://twitter.com/fool_bonnie
  20. Crystal Lake Ba.Yasuyuki Kotaka has officially departed at 2015/08/03
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