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Status Updates posted by Tokage

  1. hella bananas

  2. gonna loop this non-stop the next time we have a plug session
  3. love too lisen to roman hikou at 700 bpm

  4. visuel key a shit

  5. Demon Kogure is such a baller

  6. IT´S ALL GONE...........

  7. It's raining McCain........................

  8. Hey, me and a friend were thinking it would be cool to make a music video for Közi's song Honey Vanity. We thought it would be cool to make it a collab MV, with footage of our own alongside footage created by others. If anyone would be interested, post here or PM me for more details.


  10. new Lillies and Remains album sounds good ayyyy

  11. new Lillies and Remains album sounds good ayyyy

  12. i want to listen to more by THE GALLO....

  13. I can't believe I'm doing this, but.. I'm gonna give Mejibray another chance.

  14. [Naruto voice] I want to be the next Tokage!

  15. Inugami Circus Dan's 2014 album is available on Spotify!

  16. GODDAMN everyone stop uploading good-ass releases until i can DL again please #crying5ever

  17. Geriatrics React To Being Shit Noodles, But... What Happens Next Will Warm Your Heart

  18. what am i gonna do w/ all dis QUALITY video editin
  19. rip 2 grooveshark

  20. looking to hire someone willing to stand behind my door & threateningly whisper 'Billy what wild cool night's lyrics at me

  21. MINIONS GAME! EA wins E3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Nier 2... by Platinum Games... yes......................

  23. HITORIE's new mini album is really fucking good actually

  24. Diamond is Not Crash anime adaptation when pls

  25. Diamond is Not Crash anime adaptation when pls

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