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Status Updates posted by Biopanda

  1. New York :< Buncha dumb butts

  2. Playing catch-up on a month's worth of homework in the last week of class. #yolo

  3. Oh gosh tonight is VK night... never gonna sleep. Two streaming lives on nico: DaizyStripper / FEST VAINQUEUR / グラムヘイズ / ASTARIA / PHOENIX ASH and Arlequin x Pentagon twoman *dies*

  4. Major props to coolbae for showing me this fabulous band <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CmVo3dXOLo


  5. So glad DANGER☆GANG isn't playing first on tonight's Holiday Shinjuku streaming live. They're fucking up so incredibly hard right now I can't even...

  6. BRB guys going to VK Valhalla. I finally caved in and bought my own bandoman.

  7. http://rarezhut.net/stream RarezHut stream is live! Pre-gaming with a sukekiyo concert <3 

  8. RH stream has started over at http://rarezhut.net/stream . Pregaming today with some awesome late 90s/early 00s VK vids!

  9. RarezHut stream is live at http://rarezhut.net/stream pre-gaming with some psycho le cemu!

  10. The 90s VK band BEAST just tweeted about RarezHut. I feel so honored <3

  11. http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv269461942 y'all cool bros should check out this streaming one-day revival event <3

  12. Valicious is streaming Overwatch on her new Twitch channel! https://www.twitch.tv/forged_hands

  13. http://rarezhut.net/stream if anyone wants to come check out/test the new RarezHut stream page and chat! Suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated <3

  14. I'm so glad that in TYOOL 2016, airhorn.wav is finally getting the respect it deserves

  15. Apologies to our Firefox-using-buddies at the stream today! We pushed out a fix for the chat issue, so the bug should be gone.

  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUIbD-SASjo

    Dutch people please explain what the everliving fuck

  17. http://rarezhut.net/stream The RarezHut $1 auction is live! We're pregaming with a Pentagon live video <3

  18. We're live at http://rarezhut.net/stream with a Metronome DVD! Auction starts in 40 minutes.

  19. http://rarezhut.net/stream The RarezHut live auction is now... live! Pregaming with a DIAURA concert <3

  20. Boy do I love piano/acoustic VK stuff. If I ever get rich, I'm going to hire a full-time pianist to sit around my house and play piano arrangements of madeth gray'll n shit

  21. Wagner's Faust Overture also about Lycaon

  22. Heya buddies, latest RH newsletter is out! https://goo.gl/D7lPUj Come snag some of the cool new rarez we added~ http://rarezhut.net/newly-added

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