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Posts posted by rosalyrica

  1. I've been trying to figure out whether mukui means "reward" or "punishment" here because I keep getting both definitions in the online dictionaries I've looked at. Maybe it's more like "retribution" or "vengeance"...? /language nerd

    Anyway, really looking forward to this. I loved all of the songs on Torikago Goten.

  2. Sounds like it's being ended early/D wants out. Trombe would have just said "leaving SMILE COMPANY" if the contract wasn't being renewed.

    Thanks. I asked because I read a translation that said that the contract ended, but not that it was early.

    It doesn't say anything about ending early, only that it ended. So who knows.

  3. I have to admit, I just found out about them since they were opening for D at A-Kon. But I'm really glad I did because it turns out Epsilon is my cup o' tea. I like how the songs are catchy and pop-ish but still have a hard rock element, and I'm in love with Sophia's vocals.

    Not going to mess with ratings but overall, I really enjoy the album and I'm interested in what they'll put out in the future.

  4. CDJapan sent out news mail about a new D live DVD, from the "In the name of justice" final at Shibuya AX, which will be released April 27th.

    This site has a set list. But CDJapan says there will be 28 songs so I'm not sure if that was a mistake or what.

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