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Posts posted by SMKR33

  1. Are we the only ones doing this now? that's kinda gay lol

    I unno? what do you think? lmao

    Ans: Yes and No,

    Cussed the teacher (the same teacher as the last one)

    But she never really understood me

    (No one understands me! even myself! lol)

    Does your fingernails hurt?

    (mine does, I'm removing the polish... xp)

    lol jajaja, no my fingernails do not hurt anymore (i pinched one in a doorway trying to move a couch through it)

    See my current ques. (the hog tieing one)

  2. Yes.....It looked like shit lol

    Are we the only ones doing this now? that's kinda gay lol

    ANYWAYS Ever cussed out a teacher in another language..... only to come to the horrible realization the teacher understood EVERY word you said lol

  3. lol All that except instead of a psp I had my xbox360 AND ps2 on (360 for music and ps2 I was playing God of War 2) PLUS I was cooking mac & cheese and fried chicken on the stove and reheating some mashed potatoes in the microwave.

    Have you ever blasted a song that you hated for an hour just to torture a sibling

  4. Your making me feel bad <_< lol just kidding, I don't know It just never really floated my boat ya know what I mean? I love Obscure though got the uncut video on my xbox360

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