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Everything posted by Shimbo-dono

  1. Sugar was amazing, and shingo and atsuto are AMAZING musicians. And I don't think people should worry. Kaya has sung in rock bands before, and he's sung in Versailles before. And Loki and Kaya have similar voices (deep voices and huge ranges), just that Kaya is more operatic.
  2. Shimbo-dono

    lol but kaya naturally sings like the way he does (as in he naturally has a deep voice and thus a large range), whereas Kamijo tries to sound like a vampire LOL.
  3. Shimbo-dono

    HAH! NO.Just. No.
  4. Shimbo-dono

    Yeah these guys are fucking amazing. My favorite songs would have to be The Heaviest Matter in the Universe and Flying Whales from From Mars to Sirius and the Art of Dying and Vacuity from The Way of All Flesh (the title track aint too shabby either ;P)
  5. Shimbo-dono

    Umm I'm assuming you're not specifically looking for Japanese bands like that, so I'd recommend Rodrigo y Gabriela. They are an acoustic duo and they each play the guitar. The interesting thing that makes these guys stand out is that they both have a background in metal, specifically thrash and you'll definitely hear it in their music despite it being acoustic. And since they are Hispanic they meld in some of that hispanic flair. They are really good so I'd totally recommend them. They have two full-lengths out, their latest, 11:11, being the best they have done so far.
  7. @kir: yeah, honestly is it like written in the genetic code of gay men to fall in love with some diva bitch? Cuz I see it everywhere lol. And Kesha scares me cuz she looks dirty as shit all the time IMO roflmao
  8. yeah well I am and its the iternetz so I don't see much point in telling people information they don't need to know. but i did post on the stupid love thread "boobs. i love boobs. lol jk I'm gay" but i guess the mods thought that was stupid and deleted it LOL
  9. gaaah ohh okay i gets it lol and yeah when i wrote christina aguilera i was tinking "OMFG CAT FIGHT BETWEEN TWO QUEENS OVER LADY GAGONMACOCK VS. XTINA" xP
  10. EXTREMELY well said. Also @SUBLIMINAL haha yes I'm a he and it's cool! No harm no foul. The only reason why I'm embarrassed about MCR is because everyone in my general area looks at MCR like... Idk... kidmetal or something hahaha. Like only 12 year old scene/emo posers would listen to it but I actually like the music because i like the music, not because I'm scene and it's mandatory or some shit. And I assume you mean MCR is less embarrassing than Madonna, Gaga, Katy, and Miley correct? I get a lot of shit because of Miley, but I'm not embarrassed just because I'm just a huge fan. I can at least see where the ridicule comes from. Madonna, Katy, and Gaga: There is no shame whatsoever. Yo, Madonna is fucking boss. Katy Perry and Lady Gagonmacock can go eat shit. Not even my shit becuz I would not expend the effort for them to lavish in my otherwordly shit.Seriously though, I don't understand this whole big shit over Gaga. She is not unique. Her music is in no way original or good, except that you can dance to most of it. Her lyrics mean nothing and she's become a gimmick. Her music is catchy, but that is becuz she recycles the same beats that have been recycled from the fucking 80s. The hooks that she sings have been written and sung by SOOOOO many artists before, and despite the fact that she isn't a terrible singer with a horrible voice, she rarely ever uses her voice to the effect that she could. If she hadn't started wearing those terrible outfits, she would not have become famous. And even then, she hardly designs any of those outfits. People design it for her. So how does that make her original? She is everything I have against pop music, THE FACT THAT LADY GAGA DOES NOT EXIST OUTSIDE HER MUSIC. She is not a human, not in the way that people can relate to each other. To the general public that consumes whatever crap is played on the radio or on the TV, she is entertainment. Even when she tries to have messages or make a statement, they are always done within a music video, a novelty that is consumed by the masses and is soon an afterthought because her statements are just their to bring about controversy. She is thing that churns out music and controversy outta her ass that can be gobbled up. No one cares about her and no one cares about what she says or what she stands for. And that is the epitome of pop music. This is the very reason why Lady Gaga is the quintessential pop artist, and also the very reason why Madonna is, and forever will be, the Queen of Pop. Because despite the Gagster making her living as a novelty, Madonna is the artist that makes the trends, the trends that are rehashed by artists like Gaga who become novelties. In short, Madonna is the Queen of Pop because her calculated moves and music create the novelty pop acts that have been manufactured since she came out in the 80s. tl;dr - Gaga is a worse and rehashed version of Madonna. She will never out controversial Madonna and her music will never be as trend-setting as the music that Madonna has put out. Lady Gaga is a low-quality carbon copy of everything Madonna has done, except wear stupid gimmicky clothing. OOOHHH BOY YOU'VE LEFT ME SPEECHLESSSSSS SOOOO SPEECHLEESSSSGaga jokes aside, I wholeheartedly agree that Madonna is better. I'm like Madonna's biggest fan so to say that I like Gaga as much as Madge would be a total insult to Madge. However, I do really like Gaga's music. Why? Not for the lyrics... there's not much merit to them. Her outfits? Naw, I like this whole avante-garde freak thing she's got going on, no doubt, but that's not why I like it... I like it simply because I'm a faggot who likes to dance. Hahahaha, that's what it comes down to with me. I'm a faggot that loves to dance to, but give me someone with, y'know, talent and I'll deep throat dem fuckers. Which is why I love me some Madonna and Christina Aguilera.And lol, why have I left you speechless???
  11. EXTREMELY well said. Also @SUBLIMINAL haha yes I'm a he and it's cool! No harm no foul. The only reason why I'm embarrassed about MCR is because everyone in my general area looks at MCR like... Idk... kidmetal or something hahaha. Like only 12 year old scene/emo posers would listen to it but I actually like the music because i like the music, not because I'm scene and it's mandatory or some shit. And I assume you mean MCR is less embarrassing than Madonna, Gaga, Katy, and Miley correct? I get a lot of shit because of Miley, but I'm not embarrassed just because I'm just a huge fan. I can at least see where the ridicule comes from. Madonna, Katy, and Gaga: There is no shame whatsoever. Yo, Madonna is fucking boss. Katy Perry and Lady Gagonmacock can go eat shit. Not even my shit becuz I would not expend the effort for them to lavish in my otherwordly shit.Seriously though, I don't understand this whole big shit over Gaga. She is not unique. Her music is in no way original or good, except that you can dance to most of it. Her lyrics mean nothing and she's become a gimmick. Her music is catchy, but that is becuz she recycles the same beats that have been recycled from the fucking 80s. The hooks that she sings have been written and sung by SOOOOO many artists before, and despite the fact that she isn't a terrible singer with a horrible voice, she rarely ever uses her voice to the effect that she could. If she hadn't started wearing those terrible outfits, she would not have become famous. And even then, she hardly designs any of those outfits. People design it for her. So how does that make her original? She is everything I have against pop music, THE FACT THAT LADY GAGA DOES NOT EXIST OUTSIDE HER MUSIC. She is not a human, not in the way that people can relate to each other. To the general public that consumes whatever crap is played on the radio or on the TV, she is entertainment. Even when she tries to have messages or make a statement, they are always done within a music video, a novelty that is consumed by the masses and is soon an afterthought because her statements are just their to bring about controversy. She is thing that churns out music and controversy outta her ass that can be gobbled up. No one cares about her and no one cares about what she says or what she stands for. And that is the epitome of pop music. This is the very reason why Lady Gaga is the quintessential pop artist, and also the very reason why Madonna is, and forever will be, the Queen of Pop. Because despite the Gagster making her living as a novelty, Madonna is the artist that makes the trends, the trends that are rehashed by artists like Gaga who become novelties. In short, Madonna is the Queen of Pop because her calculated moves and music create the novelty pop acts that have been manufactured since she came out in the 80s. tl;dr - Gaga is a worse and rehashed version of Madonna. She will never out controversial Madonna and her music will never be as trend-setting as the music that Madonna has put out. Lady Gaga is a low-quality carbon copy of everything Madonna has done, except wear stupid gimmicky clothing.
  12. Shimbo-dono

    What is "American metal"? That, to me at least, seems like another retarded label like "j-rock" that does little to describe the type of music being played. Because if you actually listened to metal music put out by American bands, you would soon realize that THEY OBVIOUSLY DO NOT ALL PLAY THE SAME TYPE OF MUSIC. Just go on freaking wikipedia and type metal and look for the page that lists all of metal's sub-genres. You see those labels ACTUALLY DESCRIBE THE MUSIC. I'm sick and tired of this type of petty ignorance.Also, how old are you? Do you honestly believe that a band can get signed to any label whenever they want to? In order for Japanese bands to sign contracts with global distributors in order to distribute their music internationally, the company or label has to see that a sizable amount of profits can be made. And while bands often have large fanbases outside of their native country, many times they are not substantial enough to prove for their product to be commercially viable. And even then, most fans won't buy the product. Bands go years without ever getting signed and you honestly think it is easy to get signed? Do some research before you make an ass out of yourself. Also, music is subjective and constantly using superlatives to define how "bad" an album is not only stupid because everyone has a different opinion and therefore your one opinion cannot be heralded as fact, but also because using the phrase "worst album the world has ever known" implys that you have listened to every album that has ever been conceived in the history of this Earth. Learn to not make an ass out of yourself on the internet. Gawd. I'll let you know that I listen alot of American music, and that I can definitely say that Dir en grey sounds more like American style now. There is a big difference between American en Japanese rock, and Dir en grey sounds American too me.Again, what is American style??? Because you can pick any American band, and I'm pretty damn sure I can find several bands from anywhere else in the world that play similar music. Just based on that alone, the term "American metal" has no merit. Also, metal bands in America play music that span SOOOOOOOO many sub-genres. So how can the term of "american metal" MAKE ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER considering that??? My main issue with this term and how every former Diru fan uses it as a reason as to why they dislike Diru's new shit is that the term means and describes nothing. "American metal" does not tell me what type of music a band plays. A term like "blackened thrash metal" TELLS ME INFINITELY MORE. And now you're just jumping around with your arguments. You mention "American metal" and then refer to the American and Japanese rock??? Talk about inconsistency. And again, with that last sentence you reaffirm EVERYTHING. That last sentence is an explanation that has no reason. What is Japanese rock and what is American rock? Explain to me the differences from Diru's earlier output to their current output and relate these differences to nationalities. What, only American bands are allowed to play heavy riffs, or growl, scream, and have progressive elements in them? Last I checked bands all around incorporate all of that into their music. And "too American" to you? WTF DOES THAT MEAN? And by saying such a thing you imply that the you liked Diru before because they were a Japanese band that played, according to you, "Japanese style". But I digress. This is the internet and I will not get a good discussion/argument going along because the people on the internet are rarely ever able enough to find the faults in my arguments or provide decent counter-arguments. So don't respond. CUZ FOOL CHU AINT GON CHANGE MA MIND AND I CERTAINLY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TALK SOME SENSE INTA JUU.
  13. Shimbo-dono

    What is "American metal"? That, to me at least, seems like another retarded label like "j-rock" that does little to describe the type of music being played. Because if you actually listened to metal music put out by American bands, you would soon realize that THEY OBVIOUSLY DO NOT ALL PLAY THE SAME TYPE OF MUSIC. Just go on freaking wikipedia and type metal and look for the page that lists all of metal's sub-genres. You see those labels ACTUALLY DESCRIBE THE MUSIC. I'm sick and tired of this type of petty ignorance.Also, how old are you? Do you honestly believe that a band can get signed to any label whenever they want to? In order for Japanese bands to sign contracts with global distributors in order to distribute their music internationally, the company or label has to see that a sizable amount of profits can be made. And while bands often have large fanbases outside of their native country, many times they are not substantial enough to prove for their product to be commercially viable. And even then, most fans won't buy the product. Bands go years without ever getting signed and you honestly think it is easy to get signed? Do some research before you make an ass out of yourself. Also, music is subjective and constantly using superlatives to define how "bad" an album is not only stupid because everyone has a different opinion and therefore your one opinion cannot be heralded as fact, but also because using the phrase "worst album the world has ever known" implys that you have listened to every album that has ever been conceived in the history of this Earth. Learn to not make an ass out of yourself on the internet. Gawd.
  14. I probably would have continued listening to the mainstream pop crap and the urban crap, but I would definitely have continued along the metal path, to the point where it would become the majority of what I listen to. But I have a gut feeling that the metal music I did listen to would be more focused on the extreme side, rather than the experimental/PROGALICIOUS/avant-garde shit I prefer nowadays. Also, my listening of rock would also be a bit limited. Essentially, listening to Japanese music sort of completely opened my mind in regards to music. Because of that, I experimented and tasted more music, not anything confined to any particular genre either. If I hadn't started listening to Japanese music, I would have been a narrowed minded metal elitist of a different kind than the one I am now ;P. Now I listen to some far out shit spanning many many genres miles apart from each other. If I hadn't started listening to the Japanese music-u, I'd prolly be listening to some generic ass deathcore all the time. THANK THE FUCKING NONEXISTENT GOD IN THE NONEXISTENT HEAVEN THAT I STARTED WITH TEH JAPANEEZU MUSICU!
  15. Shimbo-dono

    LOLOLOLOLOL omfg, i don't care if you didn't make that up yourself or anything, but that is HILARIOUS. +1 for you good sir
  16. Shimbo-dono

    I just can't wait for X Japan to be ridiculed at Lollapalooza. Maybe then Yoshiki's head will come the fuck out of his ass.
  17. Shimbo-dono

    LOLOLOL A-fucking-men. I don't even like X Japan but all of their bullshit is fucking irritating as hell.
  18. Shimbo-dono

    lol all of these .gifs everyone's posting are hilarious. But yeah, I agree with saishu.
  19. Shimbo-dono

    not mad. nowhere near it. I am actually a very calm person that just speaks my mind, and those words, tend to be very strong for the sake of impact.gaah okay den. I see. Well good luck to yah mate ;P
  20. Shimbo-dono

    I agree. I still can't believe people call him hot :/Kiyoharu is sexy. There is a very large difference between being hot and sexy. Hot is just having a good appearance. Sexy is somebody who has a large sex appeal. For example, people are often attracted to people with confidence in themselves and who carry themselves well. This would be an example of someone who is sexy. This person doesn't necessarily have to have the best looking face or body in the world, rather, they just have to have that something about them that gets everyone wet. And I think Kiyoharu definitely has that. Umm, it's not about whether he's sexy/hot or not. It's about the sexually frustrated fans he mostly has, which only appreciate him for being sexy, and not for being a good musician.err i was just explaining how people could find Kiyoharu sexually appealing despite him not being good looking. I never referred to his fans or anything and frankly me no give a dayum.
  21. Shimbo-dono

    You'd imagine that someone who creates a thread about the bands you hate, would be expecting people to disagree with them. Hmm...I guess not! Your misinterpretation for being butthurt was just a mere observation. I'm sure you've seen plenty of my posts where I've been outright rude. That's, what we can both agree on, would be "being butthurt". No offense, but you're trying your best to show just how full of yourself you are. Holding yourself on a high horse and being a dumb bitch for the sake of arguing is in no way being "polemic". Then again all of your posts tend to have an atmosphere of being butthurt about them, so I really don't take it personally. "Derp I am apart of the fanbase that hates all newer vk derp." Orly? How is your butt feeling? And if you're going to continue to be very...incompetent, I am going to suggest we take this to PM to avoid anymore thread disruption. Dayum. You is mad. raaawwwrrr
  22. Shimbo-dono

    You know what I hate, annoying little shit fans that get so freaking butthurt when a band releases something new and in a different style and bitch and moan about how the past releases and the previous style were sooooooooooooooooo much better. Frankly, the solution to this is simple. Stop fucking listening to the damn band if you hate their new direction. It is really quite simple and it would make the internet THAT much more sufferable. Of course hardly any fans of VK or "j-rawk" will adhere to this BRILLIANT advice because they all think they know oh-so-much about music. Except that when you ask them why they dislike the new sound/release/direction, they'll give some bullshit excuse about how they are getting poppier, heavier, mainstream. etc. etc. etc. Do you people (no referring to anyone in particular, for the most part you know who you are) realize that bands are composed of people and people's musical taste is subject to change over time? And being how the people in band's are musicians, they channel their musical taste through their music, so of course it's going to change over the course of time. Who the fuck wants to listen to the same song rehashed over and over and over? Oh but when bands DO rehash the same songs over and over and fucking over, you all bitch and complain about how it sounds the same. Ridiculous. Take the music as it comes. If you don't like it, fuck off. If you do like, also fuck off. It's not like most of you PAY to to listen to the music these bands put out or critique a band and their music. This is coming from a metalhead music elitist. If EVEN I get fed up with VK fans, imagine how truly abhorrent you all must be. Also, the world of VK is very small and it sure as hell does not constitute the whole of "j-rawk" (which by the way is a stupid title. You all get butthurt when non japanese music listeners talk shit about japanese music, but with these tags and titles you are only causing the segregation of music and the proliferation of ignorance. Rock is rock, who in the fuck cares if its in Japanese????). The Japanese rock scene has a lot more to offer than a bunch of talentless fucks dressed like idiots. Again, this is coming from a large VK fan. Before it used to be so much easier to find the occasional jewel in the crap known as VK, but it has been getting progressively worse lately. Why? Because I don't give a fuck anymore, not necessarily because the wells of talent in the VK scene are drying up, even though they probably are. TL;DR - I. HATE. YOU. YES, THE VK FANS. I DETEST, ABHOR, DEPLORE, AND DESPISE YOU. NOW GTFO OFF MA INTERWEBZ. and again, if you actually take people seriously on the internet, that is a whole nother problem you should take care of. Stop having pointless arguments on the internets, where anonymity brings out the worst in of mankind. It is not like your contentiousness is going to change anyone's mind about ANYTHING. PEACE, BITCHEZZZZZZZ
  23. Shimbo-dono

    I agree. I still can't believe people call him hot :/Kiyoharu is sexy. There is a very large difference between being hot and sexy. Hot is just having a good appearance. Sexy is somebody who has a large sex appeal. For example, people are often attracted to people with confidence in themselves and who carry themselves well. This would be an example of someone who is sexy. This person doesn't necessarily have to have the best looking face or body in the world, rather, they just have to have that something about them that gets everyone wet. And I think Kiyoharu definitely has that.
  24. Shimbo-dono

    one of my favorite bands
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