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Everything posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. ShanethVarosa

    Needs to introduce me to some CINDYKATE.
  2. ShanethVarosa

    Malice Mizer tribute album, seems more likely. Nicki Minaj or Lil Kim.
  3. ShanethVarosa

    chariots DELUHI SUICIDE ALI Sadie Kiryu -OZ- Dir en grey Cindykate MUCC Glay L'Arc~en~Ciel Also... how did Suicide Ali get back in there?
  4. ShanethVarosa

    Doesn't have quite the amount of posts as I do
  5. ShanethVarosa

    Butter sandwich o_0
  6. ShanethVarosa

    NO ONE WANTS THE DRYER!!!! I almost pee'd myself from the lulz, srsly
  7. ShanethVarosa

    chariots Matenrou Opera DELUHI Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~ SUICIDE ALI Sadie Kiryu VII-Sense -OZ- MoNoLith Dir en grey
  8. ShanethVarosa

    Recognizes the amount of posts Yu-i is doing now.
  9. ShanethVarosa

    Thanks, PHMKII! I just need to know the romanization of that last single's tracklist... the Petal one.
  10. ShanethVarosa

  11. ShanethVarosa

    Keep! enV2?
  12. ShanethVarosa

    chariots Matenrou Opera DELUHI Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~ SUICIDE ALI Sadie Kaya V-Last. -OZ- Kiryu VII-Sense
  13. ShanethVarosa

    From FINLAND!
  14. ShanethVarosa

    Jeez, why did they have Keri Hilson on the Thanksgiving Day Parade when they were going to have to bleep out half the words anyway?
  15. ShanethVarosa

    I had a dream that one of my distant cousins was harrassing me via text and then an uncle died and she said i wasnt allowed to the funeral because i was gay, then she spread it around the whole family that i was gay and im I'm not ready for all of them to know it, so I assaulted a priest and used his costume to enter the funeral then i found the cousin in question and beat her to death.
  16. ShanethVarosa

    Poptarts!! But thanksgiving dinner in like 2 hours.
  17. ShanethVarosa

    I've never heard any of Janelle's music. And I don't have the delux version of Nicki's album... but I'll go download the bonus tracks. I bet they'll be amazing. I just ADORE Nicki. She's like my favorite girl ever. And you NEED to hear Ke$ha's it's so much better than her debut album.
  18. ShanethVarosa

    Keep! Samsung Fascinate?
  19. ShanethVarosa

  20. ShanethVarosa

    @yu-i I've never heard any CINDYKATE music so I can't say I hate them until I try them, but I can imagine if they sound anything like Oshare... I will hate them. Anyway, Ronluna. Middle name on facebook is Lawrence.
  21. ShanethVarosa

    -OZ- Lareine chariots Matenrou Opera CINDYKATE DELUHI Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~ RED universe Vistlip. SUICIDE ALI Sadie
  22. ShanethVarosa

    Manager yelled at me for going to the main manager with a problem instead of him because he was going to get yelled at because I bypassed him. I've been at that job for two years. Neither of the managers right above me were around. Gah whatever. Sometimes, it pisses me off, but a lot of the time, I like it. I guess.
  23. ShanethVarosa

    Who the hell is Monae? In any case, yes LOUD is definitely Rihanna's best album, but I'm TOTALLY addicted to Ke$ha and Nicki Minaj right now.
  24. ShanethVarosa

    So, is this mini postponed indefinitely? I was actually kind of getting into VII-Sense and wanted to hear more from them. As long as I kind of know that they are definitely continuing activities. And I have to agree with precious kitty, his projects never last long. Which sucks because I firmly believe he is one of the more talented singers in JRock. HOWEVER, that being said, I do need to say that there is something... INCREDIBLY wrong with the members of the LUNA SEA tribute session... I don't think any of those musicians should ever be playing a LUNA SEA song.
  25. ShanethVarosa

    This has always kinda interested me in VK, any idea what sort of work they do? I'm actually rather curious too. I was always under the impression that certain bands that had enough notoriety didn't have to have like part time jobs. It's kind of shocking that Art Cube would have to have jobs to me. In any case, I just want to say how I don't think Art Cube's music is bad, because I actually really like it. (Their first song... I believe it was called Suna no Hana? Forgive me if I'm wrong... is really amazing.) What is stupid is how they continue to release the same shit. Much like Phantasmagoria did, but I digress. I hate when bands do that. Just come up with something new. Please. In any case. I'm going to need someone to message me this band's discography, so as to get a better grasp on what they've been doing with their careers.
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