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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    the new song for the next Hello Kitty ad is coming...
  2. saishuu

    Ryutaro is straight up looking like Shiina Ringo in that second pic Kenken looking fine as always
  3. saishuu

    I secretly dream about meeting Aiji and whispering in his ear "this mid-life crisis has lasted for too long already"
  4. saishuu

    nah, they lost their previous drummer a while ago, but no disbandment
  5. saishuu

    So this is happening. Look at those fucking titles.
  6. saishuu

    Oh, these samples actually sound good! I'm surprised it's not all heavy. Might be the first lynch. album I enjoy in ages. I still can't stand the way Hazuki's vocals are processed in most songs though.
  7. Sounds like one of Kagrra,'s poppier songs in certain parts. I'm in love.
  8. saishuu

    Just finished listening to this for the first time. There's no doubt in my mind that I like it better than the previous one, which was already great. Super solid and aggressive from start to end. An absolute joy, to be honest. Favorite thing in the entire album has got to be that bass solo in 一本蹈鞴. It was freaking brilliant. Never in a million years I expected to like Onmyouza this much, but they get higher and higher in my favorites list with each album they put out. This is for sure gonna be one of my all-time favorites with more time I give to it.
  9. saishuu

    Those lipsyncs were... eh Aquaria seemed desperate, Kameron did the same thing she does all the time, Eureka was all about walking the stage and kicking the air for no reason/out of rhythm and Asia was the choice... I wasn't a fan of the songs either. Whitney's songs from last year fit the show much more. Anyway, I was rooting for Asia, but that wasn't going to happen. Aquaria was my second choice among the rest of the top 4, so I'm pleased with her win.
  10. saishuu

    Indeed they are. Their early stuff is undeaniably their best, but some of their new music is super fun as well (ie. their latest EPs).
  11. saishuu

    wasn't feeling it until that quiet break began at around 2:10, then the song really kicked in for me. really strong vocal performance too. I'm impressed!
  12. saishuu

    Poor Kra.
  13. is there any info on support members for this concert? I actually liked his album, but possibly can't sit through 14 songs of Asagi and a bunch of nobodies
  14. you know what's funny? their e-mail for contact is still [email protected] you'd think any of them would have another account
  15. saishuu

    I love how taste really is a subjective thing
  16. saishuu

    your sense of humor is very peculiar isn't it
  17. saishuu

    although I'm not sold on their music yet, it's undeniable these guys are pros with super solid management and most importantly, a great future ahead of them.
  18. honestly shocked at how much I'm enjoying this EVERSSIC mini lol where did this even come from

  19. saishuu

    sis, this is a lazy attempt, step it up!
  20. all four tracks sound good?!?! what's happening?!!?!?
  21. saishuu

    I like it too. it's nothing special indeed, but it sounds better than 70% of what was in their latest album.
  22. saishuu

    who would've thought we'd see Nana in 2018 with good video production sounds great tho!
  23. full video is up and the song is really fucking cool
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