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Everything posted by asoth

  1. asoth

    Didn't their guitarist pass away this year? It's too bad they weren't all able to play together one last time.
  2. Ken Moriokaaaaa <3 I don't even understand how this band will work but it will definitely be amazing.
  3. asoth

    My life is over. D; Honestly I'm so behind in new releases that I haven't heard their newest mini, but their debut was absolutely fantastic. I'll miss 'em lots.
  4. 7 years ago now, I found myself idly reading the graffiti scrawled in a washroom stall at my high school; someone had written "Dir en grey is love" on the TP dispenser. I knew the band was Japanese, I knew there were a couple fans at my school, and I was really interested in Japanese culture, and after googling them later that day I fell in love. -shrugs- Found out about some other bands through rotations, and even more through my own rotation, anime themes, some Japanese friends, etc. since then~
  5. asoth

    Fell in love with these guys after buying one of their singles on a whim. So sad to hear this news. Rest in peace Yu-jin.
  6. I love this band. I had the opportunity to see them here in Canada a few months back and wasn't able to go; it's impossible to believe I will never have that chance now. It's clear that he had a lot of fans and friends within the music industry. Rest in peace K. "We deeply hope that he is in heaven now and hanging out with the friends up there drinking."
  7. asoth

    Pretty well-priced imo! I bought their first mini after one listen; absolutely loved it~ Second one wasn't too shabby either, so I'm definitely looking forward to this! They're just such a phenomenal band, really.
  8. My life is over. ;--------; But really though, these guys were amazing, so sad to see them go. ...2012/09 though? They give a lot of notice haha.
  9. asoth

    -cries in a corner- I'm not one to say "this is a bad year so far with all these disbandments" and stuff, but...this is a bad year so far with all these disbandments. Though I guess it's better that they went out while still making awesome music.
  10. Hnnnng the new costumes are awesome, I love PLC haha. *33333333* I love their sense of humour~
  11. asoth

    Super excited to hear the Depeche Mode cover. Reasonable price, and it comes out just after my birthday...hmm...
  12. asoth

    Really looking forward to this...the fool is okay but I think HITT will be fun live~
  13. asoth

    This made my day. =D I'm glad to see they're still putting stuff out...the new look is nice as well.
  14. Oh I actually loved monobright's last album lol. ._. This is great news though, I'm interested to hear what the rest of BECR does too.
  15. asoth

    Oh...good thing I didn't start my cosplay, lol. =/ Hope they'll still make it to Dot Con okay.
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