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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by revenge&respite

  1. revenge&respite

    Tofu (Do I really have to define this?)
  2. revenge&respite

    Imma wear my sexy new fedora to the club tonight:
  3. revenge&respite

  4. revenge&respite

    Not only am i not your maid, I'm also not your: housesitter, dogsitter, answering machine/messenging service, garbage disposal, finaance manager, or your fucking SERVANT.
  5. revenge&respite


    Wait, since when am I a "good member"? XD
  6. revenge&respite

    No, it's too hot. Do you prefer colder weather?
  7. revenge&respite

    The Black Mages - "Vamo Alla Flamenco"
  8. revenge&respite

    Rakuseki (falling stone)
  9. revenge&respite

    Doesn't like hot weather?
  10. revenge&respite

    So we don't even have money to pay the bills but you're going to drive all over hell's half acre in the only decent vehicle we have, fully aware that I had intended to be gone tomorrow night, to look at commercial fishing boats instead of taking the dog to the vet to have the giant abcess on her jaw looked at. Makes perfect sense. XP
  11. revenge&respite


    Thanks all. =3
  12. revenge&respite

    Missed me? XD
  13. revenge&respite

    Chinjutsu (statement/delcaration)
  14. revenge&respite

    Rammstein - "Du Hast" It's like being in high school again. XD
  15. revenge&respite

    If any of the Bleach fans here are on the CAPSLOCK_BLEACH comm on LiveJournal, my friend Phylosophie goes there and pwns macro Thursday every week. Her photobuket folder with all her macros is here. =^.^=
  16. revenge&respite

    Having a short grocery list and 5 days worth of meals planned out in advance. Going out Wednesday night because, fuck it, I just need to get out for a while. Alcohol. <3
  17. revenge&respite

    I AM NOT THE FUCKING MAID. *They* get paid, I'm expected to work for free. And no, I haven't been looking for a job for the past [x] days/weeks - I've been taking care of him after his accident, and you because you're "oh, too OMG STRESSED!" to do anything, and running everything else in this household becvause both of you just fucking shut down instead of putting on your big kid pants and getting shit done. Fuck every godsdamn retail store in the NW part of this state. Did everyone suddenly become unable to count? Not just simple change (really, it takes you three times to count out the dollar bill and forty cents I have you for a $1.38 drink?! And then you realize you told me the wrong price and it's 10 cents more so it takes you another five tries to count it because I have you two nickles?!), but the number of items? Double charge me for a single item? No, fuck you, FIX IT. I don't care that you have to spend five minutes doing a credit card refund for the $18 you overcharged me - next time do your job right. And no, "I just got back from a 15 day vacation, heehee!" is not an acceptable excuse. XP
  18. revenge&respite

    Get back to work! XD
  19. revenge&respite


    Te quiero, puta. XD
  20. revenge&respite

    Have you ever been under the impression that some people will actually DIE if they stop talking for more than two minutes? As though there's some biological impulse that causes them to run their mouths CONSTANTLY and ALL THE FUCKING TIME?
  21. revenge&respite

    This. And FFS, I'm sick and fucking tired of having to help everyone fix all their "I guess you didn't think your cunning plan all the way through," situations. If you need someone to help you with your shit, hire a life coach or a maid or something and leave. me. the. fuck. ALONE. AND HOSHIT, I nearly did an epic fully bodyplant walking through the kitchen due to slipping on the wet floor. WhyTF are my parents' dogs unable to drink from the waterbowl without having to slop it everywhere?!
  22. revenge&respite

    It's Sunday and I'm not doing jack shit today. =D
  23. revenge&respite

    Kekka (result)
  24. revenge&respite

    Echo & The Bunnymen - "Scissors in the Sand"
  25. revenge&respite

    Bleach Golgo13 Tears to Tiara Gintama Samurai Harem FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Kekkaishi Rebuild of Evangelion: 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone
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