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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by revenge&respite

  1. Groceries consisting of:

    Frozen corn dogs

    Frozen pizzas (cheese, bacon cheeseburger, canadian bacon, and sausage & pepperoni)

    Frozen fully-cooked sausage patties

    Frozen fully-cooked scrambled egg patties

    Package of Ball Park bun-length Angua Beef hot dogs

    12 English muffins

    8 burrito-sized flour tortillas

    Package of hot dog buns

    A bottle of the "throwback" Dr Pepper made with REAL SUGAR

    Yeah, I'd just gotten out of the club and was hungry, why do you ask?

  2. Wow. I mean, WOW.

    I almost broke BOTH HANDS yesterday trying to pull my parents dogs off of mine when they simultaneously went psycho and started attacking my little spaniel who had done nothing but walk from her kennel over to the door. How I managed not to get bitten I'll never know (and if I had you can bet I would have pushed for both of their dogs to be destroyed; as much as I love animals I won't keep around any who are just that insanse and who constantly try to kill myself and my dogs without provocation) but in grabbing their [choke-chain style] collars to try and get them off my dog they were twisting and thrashing so much, both with their jaws locked onto Apple, that they nearly broke my hands. Apple came out of it with some puncture wounds and scratches and still isn't really calmed down. Aside from two partially fucntional hands, I've also got a slew of bruises, a sore throat (from screaming for help at the top of my lungs for several minutes since no-one could get off their fucking ass to do anything), and lost part of a filling from getting hit on the right side of my jaw by 110 lbs. of thrashing muscle and teeth named Misty.

    Yeah, like I have any money to fix my dental work. Or do anything about my hands which were arthritic and carpal tunnel-affected to begin with.

    Plus with my friend Phylosophie dealing with so much I haven't been to her house to use her computer and I certainly can't afford to get one that works decently...

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