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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by revenge&respite

  1. I despise people who can't behave in public, especially those that are unable to refraion from trotting out some petty, childish, hypocritial drama at a moment's notice.

    Also, if you turn into a bitch or a douchebag when you drink, do everyone else a favor and stay the fuck away from the booze.

  2. Default calls: Dir en Grey - "CAGE"

    Sibling call: Silver Ash - "Liar"

    Mom call: REPO! The Genetic Opera - "Lungs & Livers"

    Text messages - Distant Worlds 2: More Music From Final Fantasy - "Fanfare"

    Pic/Video/Voice message: Final Fantasy VII - "Fanfare"

    Voicemail: REPO! The Genetic Opera - "Zydrate Anatomy (clip)"

  3. Everyone's saying this new greasy fuck looks like Aizen but I absolutely do not see the resemblance.

    Besides, everyone knows it's just a matter of time until hax0r lord Aizen busts his way out of hell and brings the cool!sexy!evil!crazy back. Getting caught and sent to hell was all just as planned, after all.

    /We still need MOAR BONDAGE!AIZEN because, damn, that's hot. }=>~

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