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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by revenge&respite

  1. It's really sad that, after knowing each other for some five years or more, you had to completely twist my feedback (that you had asked for!) into some kind of personal attack directed solely at you and, more than that, had to make EVERYTHING be all about you. First of all I thought you'd be familiar enough with my style of writing by now that you could tell what was absolute truth, what was truth couched in hyperbole and exaggeration to take the sting out of it, and what was a complete joke without me having to disclaimer every single sentence or attach a dozen stupid smilies to it. Secondly, the fact that you're hardly as selfless and understanding as you project to others is not just appalling, but proof that you're just another shallow shadow of a person hiding behind a carefully constructed mask of falsehoods so that no-one ever sees the ugly truth hiding underneath. Third, if you were so offended by my comments and it "took me an hour to digest your words before I could respond properly with calm rationality.," you certainly couldn't have been either that calm or rational because you found the time to immediately delete my comments and write a 795 word, two page vehement and poisonous missive about it. Not to mention that deleting my comments only works in your favor and leaves me unable to back up anything I said. Fourth, your little campaign of passive-aggressing posting and comments is beyond childish, much less attention-whoring, and publically posting that "I miss your friendship and wish you would apologize for your actions," is arrogance itself much less how you continued on with "you use negativity to publicly attack, belittle, and criticize," when I did nothing except give you the honest and simple feedback on your ideas that you had asked for and which, it seems, you were totally unprepared to face unless I were to sit back and ladle fake praise and admiration on you like everyone else does for fear of offending some self-proclaimed pillar of the scene.

    Yes, I am ignoring you. I will continue to ignore you until such time as you either accept the possibility that you are the person in error (which I do not expect to happen), you cease your backhanded attacks (unlikely), you show some sign that you've grown up (also unlikely), or you finally decide to remove yourself from my circle of acquaintances because I don't deem you worth even the time it would take to click a button to unfriend you and do not wish to deal with the fallout from that as you've already proven you have no qualms against causing endless amounts of public drama. It is much easier and yet so much more difficult to be the adult and walk away from a situation, but that it what I have done and will do and you, in all your self-centered egotism and false innocence, will never be able to understand that action.

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