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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by revenge&respite

  1. I'm originally from Michigan and I didn't hang around in Detroit long enough to see if there were beggers or not :oshi:

    Hell, for $10 you can BUY Detroit right now. XD

    I don't want it. It's all boarded up, or on fire.

    Just wait until after the next Devil's Night when all the fires have finished burning, buy it, then rent it to Hollywood to as a place to shoot all their post-apocalyptic movies. You could make your money back tenfold in a heartbeat.

  2. Ah, I see. In this case:

    2Bullet - Survivor (Terminated Operation Remix)

    Aural Vampire - Vampire Ecstasy/Darkwave Surfer

    Despair - Junk War (Riot Command Remix)

    Demonoid13 - Sinister Circle

    Despair - Jarring God (The Devil Built My Beat Box)

    Gothika/Euthanasie - Delusions A Go Go!!/Lage Kokeshi Doll

    Goth-Trad - The Clown/Back To Chill

    Soft Ballet - Optimal Persona

    The Lowbrows - Japanese Tease

    VERY helpful, thanks. =D

    We've actually got all those tracks except for Goth-Trad and The Lowbrows.

  3. I think you should check DeathWatchAsia's two compilations, Dark Waters - Musical Undercurrents From Japan and Darker Waters - Deeper Into The Japanese Underground - not only because both albums are a good collection of the best EBM/hardcore/darkwave/etc. bands, but it has also some smashing party songs on it. Maybe you should skip for example Jet Pepper Tower's song, but there is a bunch of songs you can play at a club. I also advice you to check other releases from the bands, bands like Demonoid13, BAAL, Aural Vampire, Sins Of The Flesh, Despair has some more awesome songs. And another fine songs: 2Bullet - Survivor (Terminated Operation Remix). I hope I could help you.

    Btw, there are some other compilations like Darkest Labyrinth, or Tokyo Dark Castle, which also has some good songs/bands on it, but I still think, that you should start with the two Dark Waters release, those are the best.

    I have the Darker Waters omnibus as well as both Darkest Labyrinth ones and Tokyo Dark Castle - in face, I've given copies of one of the Darkest Labyrinth albums & Tokyo Dark Castle to the one DJ had showed some interest in Japanese music but she's never said if she actually listened to them or not. I found them to be kind of hit-or-miss myself and there were more misses than hits but that's only my opinion.

    As stated, I'm really hoping for help with *specific* song suggestions, not just artist names. To put try and clarify: "If you were going to hand a DJ a mix CD of jrock/VK songs to play at this kind of club, what would you put on it?" kind of thing.

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