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Radical Dreamer

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Posts posted by Radical Dreamer

  1. How can you compared OLD Carcass and this? I mean...fuck, Goregrind VS Melodic Death Metal? Lulz! Would understand if you took the latest Carcass releases and compared to this sicne it's actually Melodic Death Metal. But old Carcass? That's just lame and bring forth lots of huge lulz.

    1. Carcass is considered the major Inspiration and musical Foundation for most Gore-Metal and Deathgrind/Goregrind Bands as well as being one of the founding Fathers of Melodic Death Metal.

    2. Michael Amott (Guitarist of Carcass) is one of the two Amott Brothers who founded Arch Enemy.

    3. I define "Heartwork" and "Necroticism" as Melodic Death Metal Albums and old , because their Releases were 15-20 Years ago.

    The Comparison is thereby justified and make perfectly Sense. :mrgreen:

  2. Arch Enemy is not a bad Band at all. They sure know what they are doing and their Releases are solid. But for some Reason, i like the old Carcass Stuff more.

    And if i want to hear female Growling, i listen to Holy Moses, who did this kind of Thing already back in the 80´s. And quite a bit better, if i may say so.

  3. I like to listen to so many Gamesoundtracks, that its almost impossible to pick a favorite one.

    I guess, besides all these Uematsu and Mitsuda Soundtracks, it´s mainly Sakuraba's Works i like to listen to most of the Time. But the first Thing that came to mind, when thinking about a good OST was "Xenosaga". This Trilogy of Games has also 3 amazing Soundtracks, which are outstanding when it comes to dramatic, cinematic Issues.

    Another good one is from a rather old and unknown Game called "The Black Moon Chronicles".

    It reminds a of Carmina Burana and it took me Ages to find this CD anywhere.

  4. I guess Bioware have turned their Backs to good old Hardcore RPG´s. Games as Baldurs Gate, Neverwinter Nights or Icewind Dale were epic and truly challenging. Not to mention the Atmosphere, that sucked you deep inside the Game.

    However, with Dragon Age,they did a step in the right Direction. Even if it still isn´t the real Deal.

    Bioware is still one of my favorite western Game-Developers, although they don´t make Games like they used to.

  5. Emperor were really outstanding. Sad to see, that they broke up, just when they started to sound far more mature. Zyklon was never my Cup of Tea and did not match Ihsahns Abilities.

    I love his Works with Peccatum and his actual selftitled Project, which is no Black Metal but a more amazing Sort of progressive, avantgardish Type of Metal. "After" is a brilliant Album! Some may think its boring, because they can´t find access to his Music. But for those who love progressiv Music, its a real Offering.^^

    To make it short: Ihsahn is a God among Gods. :banjo:

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