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Radical Dreamer

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Everything posted by Radical Dreamer

  1. Radical Dreamer

    In Vain - On The Banks Of Mississippi
  2. Radical Dreamer

    Maudlin Of The Well - Bizarre Flowers-A Violent Mist
  3. Radical Dreamer

    Ulver - Of Wolf And Fear This Album is like a ruined Orgasm. It´s brilliant and horrible at the same Time. If only the Production was better, this Album could have been an immortal Milestone. I am baffled that Century Media even considered this to release.
  4. Radical Dreamer

    Well, they certainly don´t play "Easy Listening Metal". And that´s exactly what makes them interesting. Boring, maybe in the Ears of People who expect catchy and "easy to understand"- Compositions.
  5. Radical Dreamer

    Ragnarok - En Verden Av Stein
  6. Radical Dreamer

    Yeah, here in Germany too. It doesn´t look like we´re going to have Snow or Sun at all. Only Rain, Rain ,Rain... Actually, i don´t need Snow as well. I lost my Car in an Accident last Year because of Snow and Ice. It was quite a rough Winter, for our Region. hmm...i like Snow, i don´t mind when it´s wet, cold and such. I looks pretty nice. As long as i don't need to drive...Snow is actually somewhat romantic.^^
  7. Radical Dreamer

    This is a Band that deserves more Attention. Its a very good Prog-Metal/Rock Band form Texas. I came across them, while looking for new Prog-Metal Food, and they surprised me. I had to learn, once again, that a stupid Bandname doesn´t necessarily mean stupid Music. Now, this is one of my favortite Bands. They perfectly blend Strange tunes, diverse Vocals, progressive Performance, experimental and Avant-garde Orchestrations. Song from their self-released Debut Album "Intelligent Design" Coverversion from Danny Elfmans "This is Halloween" http://www.shaolindeathsquad.com/ http://www.myspace.com/shaolindeathsquad http://www.lastfm.de/music/Shaolin+Death+Squad Additional Note: For Anymone who cares, Matt Thompson (King Diamond) is the Drummer.
  8. Radical Dreamer

    Obtained Enslavement - Warlock
  9. Radical Dreamer

    The Word "Metalcore" alone gives me the Creeps. Listening to it causes me continous vomiting. Metalcore is the Death of all Music.
  10. Radical Dreamer

    Mylidian - Monastery Slaughter
  11. Radical Dreamer

    Anata are not bad. They try not to sound too mechanical, like most of the other technical Death Metal Bands. I like the melodic Leads very much. But they will never reach anywhere near the Quality of Bands like Death, Cynic or Atheist. (And they look like a Bunch of pathetic Emos. *lol*)
  12. Wow...very interesting Couples. I am looking forward to those Songs. Splendid Ideas for Coverversions.
  13. Radical Dreamer

    Artefact - Gargoyles Unleashing Vive La France!
  14. Radical Dreamer

    Klabautamann - Unter Bäumen
  15. Radical Dreamer

    Cor Scorpii - Our Fate, Our Curse
  16. A unique Sound doesn´t necessarily mean, that it`s good. Burzum got a unique Sound as well, but it is nothing but an insult for advanced Listeners.
  17. Most of the american BM Bands are seriously and dangerously boring. Abigail Williams play very typical symphonic BM. They lack originality but at least their compositions are diverse and manage to sound interesting. Nothing i would listen to more than once, though.
  18. Radical Dreamer

    I am waiting so long for this Album now and i don´t know what's going on. The Album was already recorded but no Signs or Infos about the Release, just Delay after Delay...man, they sure know how to tease. -.-' Rheinkaos - Beta Religion
  19. Radical Dreamer

    Conker's Bad Fur Day This Game cracks me up.^^
  20. Radical Dreamer

    Transcending Bizarre? - The Empire Of Mind
  21. Radical Dreamer

    Gwynbleidd - Nostalgia
  22. Radical Dreamer

    Fantomas - The Omen (Ave Satani) Wow, Mike Patton can do good Music for a Change.^^
  23. Radical Dreamer

    Darkwoods My Betrothed - Yggdrasil's Children Fall
  24. Radical Dreamer

    Scrambled Defuncts - Souls Despising The God
  25. Radical Dreamer

    Shaolin Death Squad - A Story Lives Forever
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