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Posts posted by Prophet

  1. We had that feature once and it caused major server lag. Since our server already is very strained as it is, it's probably not coming back. Plus, I don't think it is very feasable these days. People will just download their stuff elsewhere then.

    Ah, your argument is solid. I can't argue with this.

    .... and I always preferred people giving me genuine thanks by their own choice, rather than just spamming a button because they had to.

    Hit the nail on my head.

  2. I've been uploading some stuffs using "Ge.tt" (hosting site) which we, as the uploader can see how many people downloaded the file lately. Sadly, I found that the amount of people who downloaded my file is way bigger than those who give comment.

    I see that under our avatar there are new features now (has thanked & have thanks), I hope it works soon. It's better to apply a feature where we can't see the download link before we give thank to the uploader.

  3. Wouldn't it be a problem that people don't always spell out a person's full name? Most people say "Champ" and not "Champ213" and "Cat" instead of "Cat5", "Kai" instead of "kai_desu" and so on...

    Plus, think of all the users that use names of band members, songs etc. as username. I guess that would create a lot of false hits.

    I am going to look into it. If it seems feasibly, I will talk with the other admins and mods about putting it in to place.

    I am pretty much aware of that. Another problem is many people change their ID name quite often here.

    But you know, in facebook if you write '@' and then the initial alphabet of the person you want to mention, there will be automatic correction pop up box which I believe will avoid such matter.

    See this image:


    But I believe it will be more and more difficult to apply. XD

  4. Yo people,

    I suddenly have this crazy idea, what do you say if we could mention the other member, and then the mentioned member will get a notification that he/she is being mentioned. (pretty much the same with Facebook & Twitter system).

    I dunno if it is possible, i just feel like spilling my thought here.

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