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Posts posted by Seimeisen

  1. I don't know how much are they taking for you, but I remember last time I ordered something I had to wait like a week after paying the CD for them to ship it. I guess they're short on English speaking staff or something


    It took them 10 days to send a payment invoice. I paid for the order last Wed.; nothing's happened so far. For all I know, they either shipped it already and forgot to e-mail me the tracking number, or the box is sitting in the main office with a stack of overseas orders and all the employees cackle as the walk past/contribute to said pile.


    But in all seriousness, it's good to know I'm not the only one getting delayed.


  2. Two questions:

    1. Has anyone else experienced closet-child taking forever as fuck with orders? I mentioned something about it in the random thoughts thread and I guess gekijou has a similar problem, so I'm curious if this is a common issue. I wonder if they have taken on this new initiative to ignore all English e-mails as well as procrastinate with overseas orders.


    And most importantly,

    2. Where's a good shop to get some doujin CDs?

  3. DIR EN GREY - UROBOROS (Japanese 2CD version)

    Only because of the shoddy artwork assembly; a few pages of the booklet literally came out. I absolutely love this album, but I should've gotten the regular version instead... or the box set version with vinyl.

  4. Glad it will be available digitally in the US. International digital distribution is always good. ;)

    Previews are all excellent, getting me SO FUCKING EXCITED for this release. The preview for "QUIET" sounds like "籠の蛹," but a million times better!

    Hahaha of course "FORBIDDEN BEAVER" will be a sexual engrish song.

  5. Previews: http://www.r-shitei.net/pcmain/archives/category/disc

    Pessimistic Preview Review Time!!

    The title track's alright, wish it was heavier, but 七星 really stands out in this song. Maybe it's just my crappy earbuds, but all the digital effects sort of drown out Z and 楓 at times.

    Not quite sure how I feel about オレンジ. It's seems really AYABIE-ish; a bit too poppy for my tastes.

    I miss heavy R指定!!

  6. They do?? I've been wanting Locus' 奴隷 single... CDJapan sold out of it, and I hate using Paypal. Hmmm...

    Well, PureSound exclusively accepts credit card, and if new copies of the CD are still available, it's worth a try! You have to e-mail them a filled out order form (from the English page) and wait for a reply. If they run out of copies, they'll let you know...... whenever they get around to it.

  7. Hey, everyone! I have a question~ It is my first time ordering from PureSound Japan and they have a section for ordering from overseas, etc. And they say to fill out a mail order form and I can't find it on their website. I even went and added my items to the cart and proceeded to fill out my info (in the Japanese part) and it wouldn't let me do it because I don't live in Japan. Anyone know what to do?


    Puresound is sort of a last resort shop, however. Last time I checked, they only update inventory and reply to e-mails once a week.

  8. Judging from Ruki's comment about sounding closer to NIL and STACKED RUBBISH, I have a feeling that BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY will sound a lot like DIVISION FRAGMENT [VEIN] (Disc 1). Still, as much as I loved TOXIC and DIVISION overall, I DO NOT want another album that sounds like either of the two.

    It would also be cool if the band composed an actual song to close off the album, among the likes of 体温 or DIM SCENE.

  9. I am very happy about this! I have been watching the USDJPY since last December when it hit about ¥80 and everyone started predicting Yen weakness. I remember last June when a full-length album from CDJapan would cost anywhere between $50~80. I know at one point last year (or 2011), it reached about ¥74.90 or something.

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