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Posts posted by morbiusss

  1. :1.5: | Well at least you tried a little more.

     I wasn't a big fan of their music before they lost their main composer, but when he was still around there were plenty of individual enjoyable songs that got a definite spot in my music library.

    The guitarist they've lost never was their main composer. That always was sakai and enya, and both are still around

  2. I should be studying but whatever XD I really appreciate your response! 

    by the way: can you tell me the composers of the music for each song (i dont care who wrote the lyrics) of the last releases (mimic, deus ex machina and SCUMS)? i just know of those which you mentioned in your review. i always have my tips who composed which and then enjoy to see if its true or not!



  3. hmmm i still think that sakito is a bit more mature in his songwriting.

    i tend to enjoy his stuff much more than rukas.


    ruka has stellar tracks too (message, deus ex machina, Raven Lud speeaker) but the melodies for his choruses tend to bbe a bit cheesy (dirty, masquerade, paranoid). they start so good, with cool riffs, and then often comes a harmony break down with odd sounding chorus melodies. sakitos composiions are much tighter and cohesive in my opinion.


    i totally agre with you about the time thing: they do so much touring, and then still almost every year they release an album.

    if they take two years for each album nightmare would release the best vk albums ever! just imagine the best songs on each album made up to one! amazing!!! :)


    for me the perfect SCUMS would be then: 







    the sorrow of deciever



    Deus ex machina



    owaru sekai...



    kind of like that.

  4. This is probably going to be quite a lengthy review since I was quite disheartened after reading some of the later reviews here...

    I enjoyed reading your review!


    the thing for me is: Nightmare reached their zenith with [anima], and i just don't know what happened to them from libido to that stellar album. production? could'nt be better! songwriting? couldn't be more tight, mature and amazing! Everything after this album had to be worse, and so it came. Worse doesnt mean bad, i love the World Ruler, had my problems with Killer show, ignored majestical parade more or less and regained faith with NIGHTMARE.


    i love nightmare. no matter what release, you can be sure there are at least a couple of stellar tracks on there. (even on my least favourite album majestical paradde: Lost in Blue! Chronicle!) But they never reached that consistence and majurity again, which they suddenly had on [anima]. I mean, listen to Sessou, Mahora and then message. completely mindblowing! all tracks on that are 5/5 for me, and they never had that before or after. I am totally serious when i say that [anima] is on par with LUNA SEAS MOTHER for best VK album.


    SCUMS has to fight with majestical parade for worst album. again, it has its stellar tracks (mimic, deus ex, droid, ame..., owari sekai...) but even more then on majestical, the rest are really bland filler tracks. even in those fillers i find single parts which i love and that keep me from deleting the songs, but its really frustrating when they ruin good ideas with formular song writing. most of the tracks are simply uninspired (even owari sekai, which is 100% swallowtail in the verses).


    the true really new sounding songs for me are droid and ame.... amazing stuff.

    whereass ASSaulter has to rank as one of the WORST nightmare compositions ever made. what is that mess????


    so, absolutely bivalent album for me.


    sorry for my uncohesive thoughts and review. fits with the album maybe!

  5. to me it seems as we are listening to an old, immature sadie. like, you know, "come on it's their first album! they got better after this".

    they had their peak of creativity, production, and maturity with MASTER OF ROMANCE and maybe THE BULLET STORM.

    COLD BLOOD wasn't that bad, but the singles where pretty horrifying (save dress and the b-side true world).

    it still got the album feeling, and they tried to write interesting songs.

    now THIS. RED LINE indicated which way they want to go now with the title song, RODEO SCREAM and the two soft ballads daydream and koe. good songs, and i like if bands change their style, if not it gets boring.

    THE BLACK DIAMONDS, however, is a terrible mixture of the new style and some thrown in wannabe dark numbers. not black at all, not dirty at all, not hard at all.

    it sounds like some teenage-band's first album.

    METEOR and Playgirl are horrible. catchy choruses, yes, but the "growls", "screams", or whatever that mess should display and the breakdowns ruin these songs. seriously, this is even pre-teenage girl's music.

    then we have rosario, which is so bad, a wannabe gothic track with a ridiculous chorus.

    i watched the video after i listened to this and i couldn't stop laughing. what's wrong with them??????

    is this the same band which made AWESOME AWESOME videos like Silent Eve, meisai, Gieving the dead soul and Ice Romancer??????

    WHAT HAPPENED? the video for meteor is a joke, too.

    tracks i like in this album: tear drop, ai no wana, mukuro, kanashimi no sanka.

    kanashimi no sanka is the ONLY track which really shows how much talent they have, and gives newbies a glimpse of the fantastic music they can discover if they are going back in sadies discography.

    i hope they will find their way.

    going back or making good vk-pop, both fine, but both styles should be done 100%, not breeding some miserable bastard.


  6. DISC 1














    DISC 2















    BURNER!!! me and my mom laughed so damn hard :)))

  7. again they released a very good single. Not as good as HIKARI and I'z, but still very well listenable.

    Bad City is a tad too simple. simple song structure, no guitar solo. the elctronic stuff was the only thing that stood out a bit. they played very safe here. not bad, but definitely generic. --> 6/10

    STAR PHILHARMONY is a touching little ballad. Every of the past 4 singles had one ballad included, and all of them were beautiful. Still, i like a_Shiner, Tenkyuu Symphonia and Amitie more, cause they are more complex and more moving. Nevertheless, nice song. --> 8/10

    VITAL is epic. It's BAN's second composition for the band, and as 3 / 4 this is very outstanding cause it doesn't follow any patterns, it doesn't even have a 4/4 time which is really rare in today's pop music.

    this song is really brilliant. brilliant pre chorus, more brilliant chorus. --> 200% !!!!!!!!

    FULL METAL NIGHT KILLER 1888 follows the same routes as VITAL, but has its weak points. tends to be one of Ryoutos typical B-Sides. --> 7/10.

    all in all, good single, with VITAL being the stand out track.

    Why I like I'z more:

    cos of I'z, which has a brutal different feeling than your typical single track, and its little guitar part from 2:54 till 2:57 which reminds me very of old janne da arc.

    cos of BIOS, with its hymn-like electronic melody.

    cos of Tenkyuu Symphonia, since it's the better STAR PHILHARMONY.

    cos of Eikyuu Shounen, cos this is DIFFERENT! fast, like a free fall, perfect drums in the chorus. its a buzz!!! :) one of my all time Lolita favourites!

    Why I like HIKARI more:

    cos of HIKARI, haven't listened to a more epic long single track in the last years.

    cos of Amitie, which was the perfect Christmas song 2011.

    cos of LASER LIGHT THEME PARK, which puts me in the same mood as BIOS. pumped up, full of energy.

    i can't await their album.

    Lolita23q are the freshest band around!

    which single did you like the most?

    do you pefer Sou or Soshi?

    i would be happy if we could discuss a bit Lolita business here :)

  8. I see not many people liked it as much as I did, that's okay, I just have a thing for covers lol.

    I really enjoyed it, though. My favorite cover was easily Aoi's cover of Mizerable.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the band Aoi and not Aoi from Ayabie?

    its aoi from ayabie. you can hear it from his voice. is there actually a band called aoi? i just know another singer called aoi making kind of gothic/middle age - esque visual kei.

  9. PS. What the frick were they trying to do with swallowtail?


    I mean, autotune usually works for bands, but for Nightmare it absolutely doesn't.

    i dont think so.

    i'm not through with the album but listened to swallowtail like 6 times this day and i think its one of the freshest tunes nightmare did. finally! their past albums were so boring. i really like swallowtail for beeing so "tokyo shounesque", the chorus is a bit of a let down though (standard nightmare post anima chorus).

  10. this is a pretty solid album.

    no really epic songs, you can defenitely say that this one is much more mainstream and less experimental than DIM. but still its pretty hard, so that saves the whole thing.

    Red, Shiver, the Suicide Circus, Untitled and Tomorrow Never Dies are so damn catchy, really good songwriting. Maybe Red and Shiver are a bit too simple, but its enough for some enjoyable spins.

    PLEDGE follows Cassis/reila/Guren and is a really good emotional well written ballad.

    so far for the catchy stuff.

    The other songs are definitely album tracks, couldnt survive as a single, but thats what makes them so good.

    they are short, they dont have the BIG melodies, yet they always have cool stuff hapening which makes them cool. wether its the elctronic stuff (THE VENOMOUS SIDERS WEB) , the punk attitude and awesome break down in SLUDGY CULT (1:13-1:33) or the stomping female chorus in MY DEVIL ON THE BED.

    PSYCHOPATH is a good new Maggots/DISCHARGE. and SO SO SO SO much better than OGRE!!!

    the only 2 let downs are VORTEX (the chorus is so damn bad) and RUTHLESS DEED which could have been so much more.

    like it! 7/10

  11. Its a good, solid album. Like their other albums, the best tracks are the tracks that combine heavy sounds with pop melodies. A GLEAM IN EYE, UNTIL I DIE etc.

    But people, their sound has not changed. At all. They've been doing poppy choruses their whole career. They've been doing this since DAY 1. Is VK so limited in its scope of sound that fans believe this album is any different to SHADOWZ or greedy dead souls? Higher production does not equal a remarkable change in sound.

    About the only change that has happened in the past 2 albums is that they're experimenting with piano. Not revolutionary at all, especially when its confined to an introduction track here. It at least got put in a main song in SHADOWZ.

    And that's my main critisism - this band sticks to what it knows. And after 4 full albums, singles and mini's, this album shows they are just too scared to take their sound anywhere else. Still enjoyable as a stand-alone effort, but in the big picture this is nothing to rave about.


    so true.

    plus: the album gets boring very quickly allthough most of the tracks are good. but for me nothing stood out, they didnt try anything new. SHADOWS was better compared to this, especially cause of CULTIC MY EXECUTION which has to be lynchs best song ever.

    why did they take nearly 2 years to write that standard material?

  12. another solid album. they really have cool tunes.


    please compare the beginnings from LIE, ALL THIS I WILL GIVE YOU and AN ILLUSION

    ehm... :gaga: ....i really do think it shows that hazuki is the only songwriter in lynch. generally (all songs do have that specific lynch or may i say hazuki feeling and sound) and really in the beginnings of those 3 songs. what was he thinking?

    even my dog began to bark at the third song when i played those 3 songs in a row cause he thought he has to hear the same song again!!!!

  13. i wouldn't say gaze rock is dead, i pretty much hate that sentence. i'm sure they will have some really good tracks on their album, as they had on DIM.

    but what everybody has to recognize is, that gazette members arent the most talented guys when it comes to composition. when they write a good song its damn good, but they have so so many fillers spamming their whole discography....not nice

  14. this band......ran out of ideas long time ago. VORTEX chorus is the worst thing they ever came up with. uruhas solo is epic but the chorus really ruines it.

    i dont wanna talk about break me. makes me vomit

  15. Shu's voice is average? I dunno. I like it. It's a got a nice pure clean tone to it. It's very nice on the ears but def not the greatest. I still miss heartless though. D:

    he has a great voicce, very listenable, but just not very special in my ears......

  16. first song is a nice atmospheric starting track.

    jesus rocks

    onna is jazzy vk crap

    sex drugs rock roll has a cool chorus

    marigold is awesome

    time enough for love is boring. standard lycaon riff and formular. jesus is better.

    jesus single: jesus rocked back then, too, and pierrot is simply beautiful.

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