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Posts posted by lvkaoru

  1. Is anyone going to their 5th anniversary oneman in 2020? I've been back and forth about whether I wanted to go just to see what they're all about, but I heard horror stories about Senagya and I don't particularly want to deal with Crazy at my first gig with a band.

  2. Hi. I'm an 18 y/o vkei fan, living in Japan. I like Dir en grey, Sukekiyo, lynch., and the Gazette. I just started listening to MUCC too. I got into vkei this past January, after hearing about Hyde from a kpop guy that likes him a lot. I don't really like either of those people anymore. Currently, I split my time between trying to save up to afford my favorite musician's signature guitar models and attending concerts. I only started attending concerts this past May. My first concert was BUCK-TICK's 2day concert Bestia Locus Solus in Makuhari Messe. Since then, I've attended 2 Gazette concerts, 1 GLAY concert, 1 lynch. concert, and a whooole host of others I purchased tickets to but never went. This month, I'm seeing Dir en grey for the first time! Between now and the end of the year, I'm seeing lynch. (2 more times!), MUCC (& others at Trigger In The box), BUCK-TICK, and Luna Sea. There's more that I have tickets for in 2020, but that's a bit much to list, isn't it?


    Anyways, I have no specific reason to really join this place. Probably just to lurk, honestly. 

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