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Everything posted by astra☆

  1. astra☆

    I used to speak with Yohio when we were both kids, and with Gothique Prince Ken some years ago. With Ken, we spoke a lot about music, life with Kiwamu, and shared musical ideas and feedback. With Yohio, we were both very young...this was on MySpace in 2006. We'd discussed working together. I was a fan of his guitar playing and he liked my Malice Mizer and Gackt vocal covers I'd uploaded. However, because of our age and distance, we couldn't find a way to make it work. Other than this, I haven't reached out much...I'm very shy! So I'll be respectful to not bother the artists.
  2. astra☆

    Adding Raphael - Eternal Wish to the list. I think Raphael often gets forgotten about, but they were incredibly popular when they were around.
  3. astra☆

    I recall reading a story about someone (it may have been here actually) who claimed Kami was their friend irl and they played together in their dreams. They were completely obsessed with him. I wonder if people like that feel a little silly, or if they truly believe that artists contact them through the spiritual world...
  4. astra☆

    I'm surprised nobody has said this yet
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