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Posts posted by Nyasagi

  1. Or we'll just get DELUHISTOIKA.

    I lol'd really hard when I read this XD

    Well, let's just wait and see what they're going to do now. It's good they aren't going to disband anyway.

  2. I don't have any problems with hotmail. Maybe you have to install the new flash, that's why it doesn't work? Also check if you have the newest version of Firefox, maybe you installed one of the older ones?

  3. Chianti, motels are expensive! Hostels are the cheapest. It's better to look for some through the internet earlier and even book a bed earlier if it's possible.

    I went to the live abroad once, but I've spent 150e+train fares for staying there for two days (food, hostel, band's merch), which is an enormously huge amount of money for me. Everything depends on the country you're living in. For some of you 150e may not be much, but for me it is.

  4. I DON'T understand people who live in EU and complain about OMG IT'S NOT NEER MY COUNTRY I'M NOT GOING.

    They're either underage, so they parents don't let them go or they don't have money to travel to the other countries. It's really expensive, you know?

  5. There may not be spam, but there's surely spam-like products in your country. And those basically smell like cat food, and probably taste similiar as well. (Not that I ever ate cat food.)

    I've tried the cat food once, it's salty and basically tastes bad. I have no idea how cats can eat it, seriously :wat:

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