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Posts posted by Nyasagi

  1. If you didn't pay with Paypal you should still be able to make changes to your order, I don't think they charge anything extra for it, it's a free option. Don't ask me how to make changes though, because I always pay with Paypal, so I can't do it.

  2. wow, that's not fun :(

    It's not indeed, it's also hard to get any job and most of the time the employers offer temporary job to avoid paying the insurance, so they don't also pay the 'retirement tax' (the money which goes to your retiurement pension). Many people go aboroad to work, but foreigners are usually needed in the manual jobs and I can do only some office job due to my health problems, so I would have difficulties with getting a job abroad too :emo: .

    At least I can get money from the government until I turn 25 and I spend lots of it on CDs :gaga: . I really don't know how to save it, because I see something awesome on the auctions and I want it, than another thing, then a band I like releases something or there is a sale on cdjapan... it's difficult to control it, spending money makes me happy :spin:

  3. If you buy max. 2CDs they can package it discreetly, so it's less likely to go to customs and then they don't print the value on the parcel, but they refuse to underdeclare the value and they always put the invoice inside. Their stuff never went to customs for me though, but my friend ordered 2 DVDs from them and she had to pay the customs, so it's the matter of luck.

  4. I've spent way too much this month, I need to save on food now... at least I have no bills to pay at the moment.

    Would be suck if i still have to working hard in my 60s just for a daily loaf of bread and not because i enjoying it. :(

    That's how most old people live here. Their pensions are so low that they don't even have money to buy the meds, because the bills are too high... some can't even afford to pay the bills. I'm really not looking forward to getting old :emo:

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  6. Someone important/respected (a boss of the company or at least someone I respect for doing something interesting and being good at it, who accomplished something in his life), not necesarily filthy rich, but not completely poor either, can be the middle-class (it's not only about him spending money on me, but also about the respect of people around), no drinking&no smoking. Personality: someone I'd get along with. It's no use to describe it, because someone's trait may irk me, but I don't care about a different person having the same problem with themselves, because it's not that annoying for example.

    Good looking is a must, even my horoscope says I get attracted to good looking people (even if I'm a fug myself :( ). I actually don't have a problem with the guy being short, because I'm very short myself. No anorexic types, no way. I like when a guy is a little bit muscled and thin, but too skinny is rather... meh, unless there is something attarctive about his body and face. I also hate short hair, it looks bad on many guys.

    Actually I'd rather not have a lover than force myself to be with someone I don't like something about, so I'll probably stay single forever xD. I'm not that awesome to get such an ideal man, lol

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