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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. psychonnect_rozen

    Jazz sounds freaking dope! I'll def check them out!
  2. psychonnect_rozen

    Recently, I have been listening to other VK bands such as Sadie and Phantimasigoria and I was wondering what are other good bands to check out. Anything will be appreciated! Bands I like: Dir En Grey The Gazette Malice Mizer X Japan Luna Sea Sadie existtrace Nine Inch Nails Rammstein Marylin Manson LAREINE
  3. psychonnect_rozen

    1) Respectfully disagree. While Toxic is a good album, I personally would not rank it higher than let's say Dogma (Idk lol). Stacked Rubbish IMO is The Gazette's best album but I respect your opinion. Also, "The Nickleback of VK", really? 🙄 2) Never heard of MUCC. Are they good? Might check em out sometime soon 3) YES! ABSOLUTELY YES! I remember someone asked him on Instagram about what cigs he smoked and he replied "The ones that kill me" (Idk. I'm paraphrasing here lol) and he did a whole rant on Instagram about how KPOP is funded from a "fascist government" and a bunch of other BS. I legit rolled my eyes and was like "HoLy FuCk yOuR eDgY". While I do enjoy Madman's Esprit's music, I absolutely can't stand Kyuhoo's 14-year-old edgelord attitude. 4) Definitely! While Sugizo is an amazing guitarist, Iroran is an amazing one too. I often compare him to Pata from X Japan, who himself is underrated
  4. psychonnect_rozen

    I'm pretty new to the VK scene. Just started with Dir En Grey last year in October of 2018 and been hooked on VK ever since. I enjoy bands such as The GazettE, Malice Mizer, X Japan, Luna Sea, Sadie, LAREINE, existtrace and Versailles. I hope you all have a good day and thank you for greeting me XD
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