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Everything posted by sutululu

  1. sutululu

    lol but i remember him replying 'idk' to this in an insta post
  2. Funny how this is still the best thing that came out of Alice Nine in like... half a decade?
  3. And despite being more rare the quality didn't go up
  4. sutululu

    That they look like women. Man, I love the music but looking at artists sometimes and just see a bunch of gay looking dudes.
  5. sutululu

    Apparently the farm has an instagram and it's reaaally big. Also a fresh pic of Natsuki. https://www.instagram.com/sekine.farm
  6. sutululu

    Ok, so which Gazette song's gonna be this time? It's not like I'm mad, I liked them...
  7. sutululu

    Only dvd no bluray?
  8. sutululu

    I wonder how did they last for 10 years
  9. sutululu

    Yo, is this Leda dude sings in some of these songs?
  10. sutululu

    Cheap look, cheap sound
  11. sutululu

    Cool, happy to see him around. Thanks!
  12. sutululu

    Are they connected to them in any way?
  13. sutululu

    It has been months since we got a decent new band and this is still just... okay at best. What's wrong, VK-kun?
  14. sutululu

    I liked the vocalist dude but this name change was just crap
  15. sutululu

    anime tiddies culture man
  16. sutululu

    As big of a hit Call of rescue and Today was this is a big F
  17. sutululu

    Thank God it's over.
  18. THE RUSTY RED DOOR ATTACKS AGAIN btw anybody knows where it is?
  19. sutululu

    Ahh, that legendary red metal door that appears in every newbie vk band pv. Anybody knows it's location btw?
  20. sutululu

    Oh, so now they will release a greatest hits albums every year with a new (old) name. Choosing a car's name basically deindexed them from google and everywhere. btw miss the supernova era.
  21. sutululu

    Seems like they are the 3rd band I dont get how they stay above the water along with Alice Nine (ever since the A9 comeback) and Angelo
  22. sutululu

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