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Everything posted by IchiHiroya

  1. Damn, Haku is slaying the visuals in this one.
  2. IchiHiroya

    The chorus is weak, Souma's cleans are weak, and for a band with two talented guitarists, I can't help but feel disappointed. 🙁
  3. Lucy/Rushi has done a very good job in KILLANETH and LARM was great in DEVIZE, too so I don't know what you're talking about.
  4. Hello! Has anyone seen this tweet? https://twitter.com/vpv_official/status/1157285865317470212?s=19
  5. IchiHiroya

    Kei slays me everytime. Damn.
  6. IchiHiroya

    I don't really mind the song but I also don't care much for it. I just hope their dancing will improve if they wanna make this a long-term thing. PS: Music aside, YU-TA's vocals and visuals are amazing (forget the terrible dancing lol). Is he from a band/project?
  7. IchiHiroya

    I agree that Tsubasa was probably better than Taishi. If only Tsubasa had kept it in his pants... 👀👀👀
  8. IchiHiroya

    Goodbye, indeed. 🙌🙌🙌
  9. IchiHiroya

    Honey, that's not how you do a nose contour. (p′︵‵。)
  10. IchiHiroya

    MiA is s h o o k e t h 😂
  11. IchiHiroya

    Is it weird that I like this Ryoga/Tsurugi "duet chorus" more than Keisuke/Ray in Dusky Vision? PS: Tsurugi's movement aesthetics got me replaying the chorus just for his bits. 👌👌👌
  12. IchiHiroya

    https://twitter.com/8psb_official/status/1143804374323384320?s=19 Matador, y'all.
  13. Satanic Corner is the new Dysphoric Torment. I love it. 🤘
  14. IchiHiroya

    https://twitter.com/8psb_official/status/1143498950428655617?s=19 Hot dang, that's a huge improvement. 👏👏👏
  15. IchiHiroya

    https://twitter.com/8psb_official/status/1143358646438334464?s=19They released a preview of superstar -future past- on Twitter and the only change I noticed is that Koichi's vocals doesn't make me want to strangle a baby that much anymore. 😂
  16. When will they ever match their foundation with their necks- I can't even- 😂
  17. IchiHiroya

    There's something really off with ephemeral but I'm not very well-versed with music terms so... (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) Love DOF but title track just isn't doing it for me. Track 2 sounds really catchy tho- Damn.
  18. IchiHiroya

    Messy. 😒
  19. IchiHiroya

    Welp. Why am I not surprised? 😂
  20. IchiHiroya

    I guess this is why they're looking for a new guitarist. Damn, what a waste.
  21. IchiHiroya

    Well, that was quick.
  22. IchiHiroya

    Thank you so much.
  23. IchiHiroya

    I sincerely apologize for reviving this thread but something just caught my eye on Twitter. Will anyone be willing to tell me what this post is about? https://twitter.com/TOWER_Marubiru/status/1123821337057878017?s=09
  24. IchiHiroya

    Are we in agreement that the one good song they had was Inhale? 😂
  25. IchiHiroya

    Well, damn. Even though I already saw this one coming, I feel a little bad finally reading about it. I hope they all come back in another band. Will certainly miss Ryu and Leda. >_<
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