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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by secret_no_03

  1. secret_no_03

    Always been a fan of Kon, especially in CELL.
  2. Pretty amazing that 1, there's a page in the booklet of all of the concert tickets and 2, seeing every show they've done since they started back up in 2015 and in a way, how few there are. Oh, just noticed the typo of 2108 xD
  3. secret_no_03

    I guess that's what VAMQUET is for lol
  4. secret_no_03

    Glad to see there's a DISH page. Sivy is awesome and a great artist and I believe he's just doing it solo now as Sivydish. He has no OHP now and just has YouTube and it seems he plays everywhere from clubs to libraries and everywhere in between.
  5. secret_no_03

    Starting as a session band with Satoshi, Közi, Atsushi and Fuchi where they played staples from Joy Division, Bauhaus and Killing Joke. Satoshi then left before ryo who was in 9 goats blackout came on as vocalist and they added Rieu, YUGAMI and Masaaki and started making original music. The versatility of ryo as a vocalist, looking at how he's in three different groups at once and they each sound different speaks volumes and no two DÄLLE songs are the same. I think it's a testament to the diversity of the band with ATSUSHI coming from a punk background, ryo Nagoya-kei, Közi being a VK OG and Rieu the more obscure avant-garde noise genre. DÄLLE have released pretty consistently and just seem to be getting better which is a testament to the work ethic of ryo considering KEEL and HOLLOWGRAM have releases this year as well. ATSUSHI who at one point changed his name to just XXX in the credits seemingly does everything from managing the group to running the store, designing merchandise, the photobooks they give out at shows and the CD and DVD cases and booklets etc. I know they're not everyone's cup of tea and are the definition of underground, but they deserve their own thread and admiration in my humble opinion. Their releases and merch may be quite the hassle to get a hold of, but when you do it's worth it. Their blending of everything from a more visual kei sound to post-hardcore and even elements of rap and dark wave is unlike anything i have seen in the visual scene. Anyway, this is my for lack of a better term, love note to a great band who are and probably will always be underground and not well known, but that's part of the fun and the mystique.
  6. secret_no_03

    I never listened to SCREW, but I just can't get past his vocals. The music is fine, but I really don't like his style.
  7. secret_no_03

    Vocalists have to just have that "it", that mixture of the ability to sing, scream and has presence and the overall look of the group, the sound and how well or unknown they are. I tend to go for darker styles, good clean vocals, but also the ability to growl and classical elements are always a plus.
  8. secret_no_03

    Welcome, DIR EN GREY actually have a lot of good acoustic songs. Kiwamu is the former guitarist of BLOOD and GPKism and is the founder and boss of Starwave Records.
  9. secret_no_03

    I really hate to hear this because I thought Loveless and poison have been so good and I wouldn't doubt they'll disband or at the very least not release anything else until they find someone on a permanent basis.
  10. secret_no_03

    It appears that the drummer of Darian Marian Soara has left the band and Kei from Bairaraika will come on as support for the foreseeable future. 突然の発表で本当にごめんなさい。 この先のことは何も決めていません。 バンドもしばらくやるつもりは無いです。 これからはドラマー個人として自分のペースでゆっくり活動していこうと思います。 いままで本当にありがとうございました。 https://t.co/jYJUjuT0VN サポートドラムについて DARIAN MARIANの今後のスケジュールはカタセケイ(@bararaika_kei)にサポートドラムとしてご参加して頂くことになりました。 変更の際などは改めてアナウンスさせて頂きますので、今後とも何卒宜しくお願い致します。 (sorry for the lack of embeds, I have yet to figure out how to embed on mobile.)
  11. secret_no_03

    Oh. I never thought of that lol thanks! So I guess it's just what they call a floppy hat then. Hmm..
  12. secret_no_03

    Might sound goofy, but I would love to know what kind of hat this is. Yeah Sivy looks awesome.
  13. secret_no_03

    I always have trouble getting videos to embed on mobile for some reason x.x
  14. secret_no_03

    https://youtu.be/Gwqk3TqdfTI A shame they're disbanding.
  15. secret_no_03

    http://www.instagram.com/secret.no.03 just me and my girlfriend mostly ^^
  16. secret_no_03

    Everything so far has been pretty great considering Mizuki does the mixing and mastering all by himself.
  17. I'll probably end up finding a shopping service for Dorothy & Co. on second thought. I have everything music wise leading up to 終わる世界とさよならヘヴンリー. I wish 終わる世界とさよならヘヴンリー, and SUMMER SADNESS were on iTunes like BREATHE LOST AND LUST are >_<
  18. No worries! Thanks for letting me know and I didn't know closet child was still around actually. Thanks again!
  19. secret_no_03

    Tied between Kyo and Kagami.
  20. secret_no_03

  21. If you do would you mind doing a type of shopping service for those of us who can't go lol. I'd love to get a hold of a shirt and the two live DVDs ^^; The only thing on yahoo is generally just the singles sadly.
  22. secret_no_03

    I've gone back and have been going through every Pokémon game main story and legendary collecting after beating ultra moon last month. I have so much on PlayStation and Switch I need to play though lol.
  23. Malice Mizer, the GazettE, DIR EN GREY, X Japan, Kuroyume put Nagoya on the map and Lynch. has kept it there, anything MORRIE does apparently, Kagerou, The Piass, BUCK-TICK, LUNA SEA, GLAY will go on forever, but once they do stop they will be legends.
  24. I love their atheistic, the music is good, but availability is a nightmare. I guess that's part of the lore and mystique of the whole underground pseudo-goth/punk thing however as disheartening as that is.
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