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Everything posted by AyaRukiA

  1. AyaRukiA

    Yeah imagine people are saying shitty things about your fav band And I want to see your reaction I don't care u like the gazette or not. But to find the whole((( gazette))) thread full of haters saying shitty things about gazette. That is really stupid.
  2. AyaRukiA

    I no longer care about what they think of the gazette. For me the gazette is the best band . Their live performances are perfect .powerful . Full of energy. Whether they like it or not. Haters gonna hate anyway. 😏 The whole dogmatic Final tour was perfect my friend she doesn't like the gazette I sent to her deracine live she said I have to admit their live is just beyond perfection . I like Lucy and abyss as well
  3. AyaRukiA

    OK I will try to ignore them :-) I really don't give a fuck about his comment. I just hate when someone doesn't appreciate the effort a certain band is making. Anyway everyones entitled to their opinion .
  4. AyaRukiA

    My point is . It's really unfair to say shitty things about band like the gazette. They are the gate to vk. 60% of vk fans their first band was the gazette. Their live performances are much better than their studio version . Hard to find bands like that nowadays. I just joined here and everyone is talking shit about the gazette . The whole gazette thread is full of hate toward the gazette :-\ This is disrespectful to the band and to their efforts. I really won't ask anything about them again. Cause no one is talking shit about the other bands like the gazette . I like lots of bands but gazette is special for me i don't like when someone disrespect them :-) I believe there are about 4-5 real gazette fans here I guess this is why they getting all the hate. I don't care about his/ her opinion cause I know his music taste is shit lol
  5. AyaRukiA

    Finally a real sixth gun I just joined here yesterday why is everyone one here is talking shit about the gazette? They are talking like it's the worst band in vk. This is really disrespectful to a great band like the gazette and to their real fans.
  6. AyaRukiA

    Yup cause their live performances are great so tell me why I have to call you a fan of them. U don't like their live performances mean u hate ruki's voice . Aoi and uruha music. Reita's Bass and Kai drums. It means u don't like their songs and not appreciating their efforts like for god sake their deux live performance is so similar to the studio version. The energy they put on every live performance. Bands are disbanding most of the time because people don't appreciate their efforts. :-\ Tell me how do u even like the gazette then ?
  7. AyaRukiA

    Like seriously?! So you are not a fan ? Lol I think all their live performances are amazing. Better than their studio version. One of the greatest bands in vk Which people only hate cause they are the most popular :-\ so what is your favorite band?
  8. AyaRukiA

    Hi Can you name your top 5 favorite live performances from gazette? And explain why they are your favorite Mine are 1-wakaremichi From their 10th anniversary I like how they were about to cry when the audience started to sing. I felt that they were happy to see how much success they have achieved so far. 2- taion The whole performance was mind blowing. Everything about it was perfect. 3- deux My favorite on dogma his last scream was like he never screamed before . I like how aoi was so sensual ( I don't know if it's the right word to describe his moves) 4- dim scene I like the whole performance and ruki's voice in this live was amazing 5- moon I know it's weird and old but I like it more than reila. Ruki's old voice is perfect for this song. What about you ? ♡ I wanna know your favorite live performances from them.
  9. AyaRukiA

    The gazette my friend told me about them ♡ I know lots of bands now but gazette still my favorite.
  10. Amy Lee from evanescence Sharon from within temptation Tarja They have talent and beauty ♥
  11. AyaRukiA

    I know some fangirls are only paying attention to how they look more than their music . 40 years of age is not old I know what I mean beauty doesn't last forever but what is going to last forever is their songs and music imo. + not all of fans like them only because of their looks.
  12. AyaRukiA

    Why other fandoms think we like the gazette only for their looks? All gazette members are getting old aoi is already 39 years old. So I don't know why they think we are shallow young fangirls. First I'm not a young girl I'm 22 . 2nd I like them because they are more than just a band for me. The gazette for me = awesome vocal. Music. Songs. Live performance . Friendship and Beautiful lyrics . If we choose really based on looks we wouldn't choose a band like the gazette I think shallow fangirls would like other bands ( without mentioning names) :-\
  13. AyaRukiA

    Omg they are so similar to Linkin Park:O Same style in music. Clothes. Moves.... Etc I'm really curious now to know more about them. Thank you ^.^♡
  14. AyaRukiA

    Aha OK thank you ♡
  15. AyaRukiA

    What is your favorite live performance from the gazette ♡? I know it's hard to pick one live performance. But taion live performance is my favorite ♡
  16. AyaRukiA

    Wow I didn't know that they are popular in Japan. My favorite album by them is the 2nd law I like Matt high pitched voice. Maybe yeah they were kinda similar to vk I liked his blue hair back then haha . I will listen to the album u recommended I heard of them before but never listened to them and I was really looking for new bands to listen to. Thank you /m/ ♥
  17. AyaRukiA

    I know ghost I only listened to one song of them ( Satan prayer ) . Never listened to Arctic Monkeys or the dear Hunter but I'm gonna check them out. I know muse an awesome band ♥
  18. AyaRukiA

    I know gojira and muse I like them both. Especially gojira ♥
  19. AyaRukiA

    I'm listening to them the music is so catchy love it.
  20. The invisible wall one of my friends told me to listen to it cause I like metal and rock songs . I was blown away by ruki's voice . ♡ then I fell in love with them Now I know and I listen to a lot of vk bands. But still the gazette my number 1 They helped me a lot I can't just replace them with another band like that. They are like family for me I grow up listening to them ♡♡♡
  21. AyaRukiA

    Ruki was born into a family where his father treated him horribly. Hit him. Beat him( rumor) but fans keep commenting it on every gazetto video. . Reila was ruki's girlfriend .dir en grey is that you? On every video . You should listen to dir en grey instead of the gazette I don't understand people That come to music videos . they don't like and start to tell others what music they should or shouldn't listen to. :-\
  22. AyaRukiA

    Aha thank you ♥😊
  23. What is your favorite (non Japanese) metal/rock band? I can't name only one band But my favorite metal bands are ( lamb of god. Slipknot. Korn. Megadeath. Nightwish. Slayer. Cannibal corpse. Pantera) My favorite rock bands are evanescence .disturbed and Linkin Park (first 2 albums)
  24. AyaRukiA

    Thank u ♥ I know green means online. Right? But what about the other colors( red / blue)? Sorry for my English
  25. AyaRukiA

    Hi my name is aya I'm 22 years old I'm new here My favorite bands are ( the gazette. Dezert. Dir en grey. Diaura . Versailles . Luna sea . Malice mizer and dadaroma ) I joined here cause I want to make new friends and to not feel like I'm the only one who likes vk lol .
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