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Posts posted by thegirlavoidingmariacross

  1. 20 minutes ago, efuru said:

    Yeah I agree. And Choerry has the potential to provide some cute stuff. I hope they’re the only cute ones. I don’t want anymore cutesy members. 

    True~ Yeah, same lol. Kpop is full of it at this point. (I wouldn't mind seeing a resurgence of some mid/late-2000s themed girl groups, tbh, but as far as a fresh theme goes, LOONA  is definitely a leap in the right direction.)

  2. I'm so glad this thread exists. T^T I can pillage it for new bands to listen to~~~

    As for me, well, my favs are:


    Wednesday Campanella

    the Pillows

    Number Girl

    Asian Kung-Fu Generation


    vivid undress

    Ichiko Aoba

    Kenshi Yonezu

    Age Factory

    indigo la End



    Ling Tosite Sigure



    Gesu no Kiwami Otome



    (And if we're talking rap, pretty much anyone off Low High Who. Daoko, GOMESS, Jinmenusagi (early works).  I was also introduced to KOHH through a beautiful Utada song last year, and like his stuff pretty well too.)


  3. Some of these are early jrock/metal bands so idk if they're qualify as VK or not but~


    Top 10 All-Time

    (in no particular order)


    Sleep My Dear - I feel like they were kind of underrated? :v MIRAGE and MOVE  were such good albums.

    Kaya - <3

    BUCK-TICK - I'm pretty sure 90% of their discography is a combo of smut & despair but oh well, the music is excellent.

    LUNA SEA - I like all the eras tbh



    Art Cube - why aren't they still a thing.

    SEX ANDROID - <333

    ROUAGE - MIND is still one of my top favorite albums of all time.

    the GazettE - they were my first VK band, so I still have a lot of fondness for 'em. ;v



    Top 10 Current

    yumeleep  -  I like them a lot? I was disappointed when melvel split, so I'm hoping this regroup works out (it probably won't).

    LIPHLICH  - dark cabaret gives me life.

    Golden Bomber  - I mean, my sig speaks for itself.

    lack.co  - get past the debut and they're actually decent as an indie group.

    UNDER FOREST  - Yousei Teikoku vibes.

    crows  - oldie but goodie. 2008 era with a slim discography.

    MASCHERA - my friendo introduced me to this and I've been addicted ever since.

    Janne Da Arc  - do I have to explain this one.

    …。【silence】  - I think this is actually more of an indie/experimental group, but :^)

    ramiel  - nice vibes all around, and I love the video set-ups.



  4. On 11/30/2017 at 8:51 PM, efuru said:

    As for now but with how things are going and the direction the unit seems to be going in it would be weird to add a you get member. I tho k Yeojin is already kinda young but from solo debut to their group debut she should be almost sixteen which is better. 

    I think this new group is gonna be the more mature side. 

    (Sorry for responding so late, had to get past holiday season lol)


    I agree, though now we have Chuu (<3) I think she and Yeojin will be providing the majority of the 'cutesy' stuff though.

  5. 16 hours ago, AimiGen7 said:

    If you're curious, watch at your own risk. This guy is still active, and has toured with Maria Cross before lol

      Hide contents



    This is amazing. 😂

     I feel like this is what would happen to me if I got drunk at a karaoke bar and put on some 90s FF style background music. **busts out the glow sticks and feather boa**

  6. 9 hours ago, efuru said:

    Kim Lip was the first girl I got into but going back I think I like Heejin the most of 1/3. Heejin and Hyunjin are on Mix 9 doing really well. 

    Yess,  Heejin is awesome. Crazy enough, I don't think I ever watched Hyunjin's introductory solo vid though :0


    And lets not forget adorable Yeojin - she's the confirmed maknae, right? 

  7. 15 hours ago, shiroihana said:

    Ya I try to avoid Maria Cross too. She already haunts my dreams enough. :tw_grin:


    Welcome to the forum. If you like chatting bands discord is a great place to meet and socialize with some of our members.



    Thanks~! :3

  8. 16 hours ago, AimiGen7 said:

    That username is automatically legendary lol. 

    Though, I think I know of a Vkei musician who is more urgent to avoid than even Maria Cross lol

    Anyways, welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy yourself here!~


    true lol

    thank you~!

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