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Everything posted by jirojiro

  1. jirojiro

    That video is great. It always makes me smile.
  2. jirojiro

    Hi Seileen! Welcome! I know the feeling of not being able to find people who are interested in VK. See you around~
  3. jirojiro

    That beat on Shook Ones Part II is addictive. It's so good~ And classic Wu-Tang is alway good.
  4. If I didn't find Japanese music, I would lose part of the music I listen to. I listen to nearly everything and I probably would have delved deeper into metal and post hardcore music. I think my VK love kept me from going in super deep into metal bands, but I still would have my pop, punk, metal, rap, and harcore stuff. I might have went deep into Korean music too... It just depends on when I find that one song that sells me on a genre.
  5. jirojiro

    Knowing that after your days off that the next week will be hell sucks.
  6. jirojiro


    It's really hard not to be... I have to bring myself back from like crazy pessimism. I've had moments where I just stop and say "Man, I need to lighten up".
  7. jirojiro


    Eh, those people suck then. XD They are good while they last. But there are always more people to replace those who can't live up to the role of being a good friend. I've had those people in the past... Sucks to lose them, but look forward to what's next. Sometimes I'm sickeningly optimistic even though I'm a pessimist.
  8. jirojiro


    I have limited friends. Work and from like high school and college... Like Idk how I made these friends... I question it often. I am at this point where I rarely talk to people irl and it's like nearly impossible to make new friends. It's this accursed awkwardness and shyness that I was given. XD It's okay. Online buddies!
  9. jirojiro


    For real! Like it's the best feeling in the world when you talk to someone that has the same passion for an artist as you do. It gives that feeling of "Yes, this person gets me!" Or when you show someone a band that you like and they start liking it. Feels good man~ Feels good.
  10. jirojiro


    *FIST BUMP* Yes!
  11. jirojiro


    Ditto. I want to have a discussion and find more killer music. I don't have energy to waste on arguments.
  12. jirojiro

    ペコペコ It's super fun to say!
  13. jirojiro


    Hi Guys, I just got around to joining a forum~. I've been into Visual Kei/J-rock for about 6 or 7 years. I just never really thought about finding a Visual Kei forum, but I'll give it a go. It's weird that I'm used to having no one to talk to about the bands I like. and I have a ton of them. The top one is SuG <3. I also like Megamasso, Alice Nine, Girugamesh, Leetspeak Monsters, and a lot of others I can't think of... A lot of my favorite bands have disbanded . But I love finding new music and any recommendations are appreciated!
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