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Status Updates posted by Tatsusalt

  1. Kinda confused, does MUCC have a fanclub and is there anyway to even sign up for it???

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    2. Tatsusalt


      A friend of mine is using a shipping service, all she needs is to sign up for it but we can't find the site for it

    3. TrentReznor


      Should be here - http://www.55-69.com/shu_login/guide-01.html and then accept till you reach https://55-69.fc-sys.com/entry.php


      A Japanese helped me do to do it, but I think after filling in all the data, you should get an email and then you need to go to pay for the fee (to a family market, etc.) and then you get the confirmation and thats it.


    4. Tatsusalt


      Alright, thanksss

  2.  (Ŏ౪Ŏ) hhmm still stuck on MUCC inspired drag... 

  3. Great :< Internet is down ;~; I hate when that happens.

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