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Everything posted by akippon

  1. akippon

    行く is for movement away from your location while 来る is for movement to your location. If you were already there you can say "...ライブに来た". 行く already explains the action of "going" thus "ている" form isn't necessary. Hope that helped somewhat.
  2. @plastic_rainbow こちらこそよろしく👍 そうだね。私は旅したり、フィギュアとグッズを集めたりするのが好きです。シンプルなやつがいいですよ @Takadanobabaalienありがとう
  3. はろー 何話したらいいんでしょう… (会話を始めるのは苦手んですよ)
  4. akippon

    Name: aki アキ Age: 21 Years studied: Don't really know. I've been learning at my own pace for a long while now. あまりわかりませんが、しばらく自分のペースで学んでいます Estimated level: (Beginner - Moderate - Advanced - Fluent) 中級と上級の間は、私のレベルがあります Knowledge of Hiragana/Katakana: (None - Few - Half - Most - All) 全部知っています Kanji: Again, I don't know but I can read a good amount of kanji 絶対にわかりません。かなりの漢字を読めますが What is your main goal with studying Japanese?: Perfecting my grammar and expanding my vocabulary 文法を完全にし、語彙力を増やしたいです What materials have you used before?: Talking with Japanese natives mostly, textbooks. 日本人と喋ったり、教科書を読んだりします
  5. akippon

    I've known about this place for a long while but never thought about joining until now. I hope to be active here. I love talking with other fans.
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