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Posts posted by cheesedog

  1. Wasn't sure where else to post this (seemed the most appropriate), but I figure someone here might know: I've been trying to find music from Forme'd Eros, the short side project of Tetsu Takano, but I literally can't find anything! All I know is that they did one original composition, "Ima Wa...", and some covers. Anyone have any leads on this? This would be extremely appreciated to anyone who can help!

  2. Whoah, I never find clubs and stuff when they're first made xD I'm new to MH in general too, but I love Antic Cafe!

    Anywho, (in no particular order):

    1. Daybreak

    2. Snow Scene

    3. Pierced

    4. Cherry Saku Yuki (surprise surprise)

    5. Ryuusei Rocket

    6. Aroma

    7. Maple Gunman

    8. Summer Dive

    9. Baby King

    10. Kakusei Heroism

    Love your Bou pic btw. Forever sad that Bou seemingly fell off the face of the earth D:

  3. Hey guys,

    I've been into V-kei music for about 8 years now, (I'm 26, so kind of late into the scene) but never really thought about joining a forum for it until now. It sucks not really having many people to talk with for the bands I'm passionate about, so this sounded like a good way to do so. I like all different kinds of Visual kei, but I like old school stuff the best. I really wish I was a bit older and had been around to see concerts from some of them. Favorite band hands down is Malice Mizer (probably cliche to some of you, but oh well). I really really love the "weird" side of V-kei though. I like bands with singers that have a "dissonant" sounding voice (not sure how else to describe it), such as Due le Quartz, Vice Risk, Schwardix Marvally, Anli Pollicino, Malice Mizer (Tetsu era), etc.

    Kinda unrelated, I also like to dress in ouji/lolita, so I hope to meet some fellow rufflebutts perhaps too!

    I'm curious to know what types of bands you all like! Cheers.

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