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Jennifer Hage

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Everything posted by Jennifer Hage

  1. Jennifer Hage

  2. Jennifer Hage

    Well, classic Visual Kei music, as any classic music have a distinct sound that i very much enjoy, something relaxing? if thats the correct term to use in this situation... And i am not sure what you actually mean with 'new school and modern ones', are you referring to 2010+ bands that try to embrace the old style sound? And thank you very much as well, i will remember it
  3. Jennifer Hage

    CAT5 recomended me joining it, thank you allot for making it And i will try to!
  4. Jennifer Hage

    I do sure hope so, i have more taste outside of kotekei and classic visual kei, however those are the ones that keep me busy currently ^^ And i will remember it, thank you very much. mind if i friend/follow you?
  5. Jennifer Hage

    One would have to get out of lurking someday ^^, and this forum seemed a great place for it! I had no idea about groups, thank you i have joined this one
  6. Jennifer Hage

    Thank you very much for your reply! I will try to indeed engage in conversations wherever possible ^^ I do hope so, i would very much appreciate having people with similar taste to communicate with
  7. Hello ^^ I have come across this forum a couple of times while i was searching for Visual Kei information online, i decided to sign up today after lurking on this site for a couple of weeks ^^ To tell something about myself, i have been a fan for a long time now (least 8 years) and have not really communicated with anyone about it. this due mainly to anxiety i have hand being afraid i often will get judged for it ^^' i hope i can make some contacts on here and hope to learn new music even! Musical bands that i am interested in is mainly older 90's bands, such as BAISER, MIRAGE, MALICE MIZER, ROUAGE and a couple of musical releases by La'Mule, i recently found out about D=SIRE and love them a ton! There are also a bunch of other genre's that peek my interest such as some kotekei bands or late 90's/early 2000's indie projects ^^. Thank you very much for everyone who takes their time to read my little story ^^
  8. Jennifer Hage

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