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Posts posted by MaruChan

  1. Oh! I like The Beautiful Dead Song too!!! That's how I got into them actually ^_^

    Btw, -Kusabi- somehow sounds to me like one of GazettE's song that I can't remember the title -_-

    Or it's just me... XP

  2. OOhh~~~ I love Nega!!!! Especially Jin & his voice, nyahahaha~~~

    I think I like every of their songs actually ^_^

    & I remembered I've search for their "The Faded Film of a Japanese Sadness" for a FREAKING LONG TIME until I fed up~~~

    & when I finally found someone that share it... it just pop up everywhere available to download!

    Then I wonder why didn't it showed up sooner!!! XP

    Yeah! that was one mad/bad memory...

    But who cares! Right now their "Quadrangle" is my fav. song ^_^

    One word, they're "GREAT"!

  3. I still like icy~cold city & BURN a lot!!!

    btw anybody here know about a song called "orion"?

    I think I have that song.

    Haha :P yay, someone do know!

    Just asking btw ^_^

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