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Everything posted by Reikatsumi

  1. Reikatsumi

    wym? that one with pitty?
  2. Reikatsumi

    Schwartz:Mist and Nihilizm
  3. Reikatsumi

    What drama? tell me
  4. Reikatsumi

    The song is really good, they deserve attention ^-^ Vocalist has very nice, soft voice Hope they'll keep up like that
  5. Reikatsumi

    Does anyone think that this whole "Tsuzuku collapsing on stage" was just an act that they made to attract people's attention after many low quality releases they made last year? To my mind, they would cut it out if it was something serious... everyone were shocked and whole fandom was talking about Meji so it kinda worked
  6. Reikatsumi

    Subaru sounds like some poorly made vocaloid
  7. I guess you focused on Mahiro looking like 13 years old, but Takemasa, Hiyorin and Junji has lot of makeup. Especially Takemasa... as always.
  8. Only because they wear a little makeup this time...? Maybe this just goes well with clothes they have chosen for this single? And I don't get why you call that song mainstream, vocal parts are really demanding and the guitars sound amazing. In my opinion it is gonna be way way better than the last single, since it sounds reallyy unique
  9. Do they have to announce anything? It's clear - he doesn't want to be a part of band anymore
  10. Oh my god vocals in this song are truly amazing... and those guitars 😍 Looking forward to this release <3
  11. The photoshoot took place before this whole Kanagate
  12. Reikatsumi

    Actually we know, Setsuna wrote on his twitter about what has happened and said that Pitty lacked motivation and was he drowning in debts
  13. Reikatsumi

    I read somewhere that he has debts and lacked motivation
  14. Reikatsumi

    King is back guys!
  15. Reikatsumi

    Whaaat? Did he even wrote about anything vision issues? I read every tweet and he didn't mention anything like thaat
  16. Reikatsumi

    Woah, I haven't heard about part of that, it sounds bad. I wonder why it was only Koichi and Tsuzuku that was kicked off the label not the whole band That's really strange case. Hope that Koichi will keep his promise.
  17. You're right, they're following the same boring scheme, it is not nice
  18. Reikatsumi

    MiA is the reason why Mejibray became popular... Do you find Koichi good musician? Does he do anything apart looking good in this band? Btw IF MiA was average, he wouldn't be asked to take part in so many projects and believe me, Asagi doesn't work with average people.
  19. Reikatsumi

    Are you kidding? MiA is great composer and he's really skilled
  20. Reikatsumi

    Why is that? They're doing great
  21. Reikatsumi

    I wonder what does Kochi's instagram and twitter have to do with all that drama. It's insane to delete all 800+ photos just because leaving company. He made a tweet woth his twitter account before making it private and deletes photos one by one. His break from social media was kinda strange, but now it makes no sense for me.
  22. Reikatsumi

    With Koichi? So he's leaving the band or what?
  23. Reikatsumi

    Are they breaking apart?
  24. Reikatsumi

    same with instagram
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