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Everything posted by Zborg

  1. There's actually 2 differents accounts used, possibly the same user on both. He also said things like "die bitch", "why are you so ugly", "you have to drown in this river" (the comment in the 4th pics with a river), and many other things that annoy most Minpha fans. I don't think it's fun, i think it's a troll trying to annoy Minpha and his fans.
  2. Minpha Pentagon is having harassment trouble in the comments on instagram.

  3. Minpha is having trouble, because some fuckhead decided to harass him for no reason on instagram. Just look at the comments: https://www.instagram.com/pentagon_minpha/ At the moment, some complain has been made, but instagram did nothing. Minpha apparently did nothing wrong, and the bullying suddenly started. Oddly enough, he's the only one from the band having this issue.
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