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Posts posted by TadakatsuH0nda

  1. Hey, new guy here, I've lurked this forum casually reading news on bands and stuff for quite some time, and just finally made an account. :P I'm a huge fan of Japanese rock and metal, and have been listening to and collecting it for quite a while now, though these days I'm into the older metal acts like Dead End, Amphibian, Gargoyle, etc. I have way too much fun sharing music with people/trying new stuff and talking about it, as well as learning about the history of Japanese music. I also help run a couple forums, including one that was started just a few weeks ago, jpmetal.org which is focused primarily on Japanese heavy metal and its various forms, with everything from 80s bands like Anthem and Loudness to the visual kei acts and even doujin circles, perhaps a few of you would be interested in joining us at some point. 


    Anyhow that's enough rambling, I'm glad to have finally joined this site and I look forward to sharing music with and getting to know some of you.

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