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Posts posted by TODORA

  1. Kinda reminds me of My Chemical Romance when they´ve decided to come up with their "Na, Na, Na, Na.." Song...
    Oh how much I´ve hated that song back then
    But the B-sides do sound kinda ok I guess
    I don´t know.. I probably  shouldn´t try to get into this band anymore

  2. For me it was that SR:J-Rock Updater Blog, or however they used to spell it.
    I often saw people bitching about how they would just share the news that came up on MH "first", so I wasn´t really interested in spending too much time here but since that blog turned into an webpage, which I consider as slightly slow and confusing.... well.. |D

  3. On 22.10.2015 at 9:00 PM, Hikari-Club said:

    As for me~ If it wasn't for Visual Kei, I wouldn't even have a style to begin with. 

    I didn't even care about what I wore up until high school when I first discovered it. I was such a tomboy so I figured "dressing up" was so girly, but then I saw all these beautiful fashionable men and this completely changed my view. 


    Hahaha, Oh man~ This is totally me |D

    Personally I wouldn´t say that I have a special someone as a style inspiration..
    It´s more like whenever I see something, like a nice detail on an outfit or really nice Make-up, I try to keep it in mind.. or save the Image so that I could steal that idea someday~ if you´d like to say that.

    But since I rarely have that much time anymore. It became kinda hard for me to actually use all that inspiration.
    So in the end I just tend to look the same because it just needs to be done quick

  4. Ich weiß nicht obs hier schonmal angesprochen wurde.. Aber wird denn irgendwer von euch diese Woche auf dem Versailles Konzert sein? : D
    Persönlich werd ichs leider nicht schaffen.. Die Anfahrt nach Bochum wäre, wie immer einfach viel zu teuer.. Aber ich würde mich doch durchaus für den ein oder anderen Bericht interessieren |D

  5. duo Music Exchange for MoNoLith in 2013
    It was all so confusing because I didn´t know anything about lives with multible bands and the fact that I couldn´t speak japanese AT ALL was anything but helpful xD

    Still, up to this day I am wondering how japanese fans know so well which band will be next on stage, without any anouncement whatsoever..

  6. I´m anything but a movie person~ Like.. I watch about two movies a year or something.. xD
    But as a Harry Potter fan I had to watch Fantastic Beasts, which I did some weeks ago together with my mom~
    It didn´t disappoint me at all! It´s such a great movie and Eddie Redmayne is an remarkable actor.

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